
Friday 6 November 2015

Perfect Catholic(sunday1/11) All Saints - in summary

Person who is HAPPY is not because Everything is RIGHT in his Life..
He is HAPPY because his Attitude towards Everything in his Life is Right..!!

Saints are good examples of enjoying eternal happiness of life. During living, everybody will have worries/disagreements/sorrows- how to be happy with these things-saints are good example.
When you forget, what is reality and when you get negative experience, you tend to have mental disorders, making you unhappy.
For reality one should be clear, that he has been created by God, to lead a happy life. When you identify and accept above reality, you have to follow the commandments given by God. What are the commandments: father has given 10 commandments, Son has given pardoning and love, Holy spirit has given, church rules/explanation:
ex:(1) conversion of church to cast-less
(2) Not to have male circumscion
(3) Eat pork(no restriction on food)
(4)Concept of communion of saints
(5) Concept of purgatory.
(6)Not to have artificial birth control
(7) Not to have abortion
(8) No euthanasia
(9)Concepts about Holy Mary(Immaculate conception+assumtion)
(10)Follow 7 sacraments

Once you follow these rules, you are pleasing your creator God. Then you can easily avoid 7 vices(anger,sloth,pride, envy,lust,avarice,gluttony). Then You will be happy with time.

To days readings:
Book of Apocalypse(Rv;7:2-4. 9-14) says"..John saw..Angel rising..carrying..seal..God;..called.. 4 angels.. to devastate land and sea.'Wait..until..put..seal..foreheads..servents..God..I saw..huge..'Victory to..God'..touched ground with their foreheads,worshipping God..they washed..robes..again.."
John says(1 Jn 3:1-3) " on s him..see HIM.."
MT(5:1-12) says" happy..poor..heaven..gentle..heritage..mourn..comported..who hunger..satisfied..merciful..shown them..pure heart..see God..peacemakers..children of God..cause of right..heaven.. Happy are you when people abuse..speak..kinds of calamity..on my account. Rejoice.."

Reminds: Gospel reading gives us the characteristics of living saints. Other readings indicate that we should follow commandments. Otherwise no happiness even in this life.
Today we were reminded that we cannot live alone,about inter dependency with our society. This inter dependency to be developed spiritually as well. We celebrated the feast of St Jude on 28/10. He is patron saint for achieving impossible things. This indicate the role of saints. There is a patron saint for every field. They intercede with God to making impossible things to possible.
All saints day is followed by all souls day. We were reminded about purgatory. We can always support the departed loved ones, with prayers,alms giving and offering masses to relieve them from Purgatory.
These 2 feasts are family feast. It reminds and maintain the spiritual social connectivity with humans.


Summary of saints:
By divine choice Mary+saints intercedes for us!(ex:Cana wedding), Intercessory prayer affirms that we are one spiritual FAMILY!,with God.5steps to declare Saint(1)whether he lead his life with7Heroic Virtues(cardinal-PRUDENCE,JUSTICE, FORTITUDE,TEMPERENCE+ theological-FAITH,HOPE,CHARITY)(2)With approval from CONGREGRATION FOR CAUSE OF SAINTS(CFCOS),he will be considered "SERVENT OF GOD"(3)Relator investigate his work whether it is Theologically Sound!.CFCOS/Pope will declare him as"VENERABLE"(Virtues are worthy of being venerated by people!)(4)Blessed is declared,with a miracle-(Prostulator report,action is supernatural &directly attributed to him)(5)After Blessed miracle is needed him to declare as Saint!.They does not need honour from us neither our devotions add slightest thing for what theirs!.

About all souls day:

Similar to earthly friends,U should develop heavenly friends-saints,which we reflected yersterday!.Today U remember U'r friends suffering in PURGATORY{ex:2maccabees(12:43-45)}-can U forget U'r friends who have departed?Like all saints,all souls also family feast,where social bonds are renewed.Council of trent,declared,souls in purgatory(they cannot help themselves,but depend on living people)are assisted by U'r prayers+alms+offering Holy Mass, to satisfy divine justice+to shorten their detention in purgatory,where they must expiate their Venial sins+suffer pains due to their sins,whose guilt,indeed,has already removed but for which there still left a debt of temporal punishment,on account of imperfection in repentance.Church custom enriched with visiting cemetery today.U'r living is interdependent with both spiritual &earthlysociety.Protestants do not believe purgatory.


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