
Friday 13 November 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:33: Date:15/11/2015. Twig Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Last 2 sundays we reflected, basic characteristics of a saint. Wisdom and attitude towards generosity . All saints developed their attitude for the love of God. Today, one before last sunday of this cycle 2, you are invited to reflect whether you are really progressing towards God or deviating from Him. You may be a dynamic catholic in the eyes of others, but how do you know that you are actually progressing towards God?. Atleast at the end of every liturgical year you are invited to analyze the progress. Otherwise you cannot see a Twig in your life tree!

B. Preamble to

B.1 Value of Knowing yourself!

To understand yourself is the beginning of wisdom. You must try to know who you are without depending on others.

All humans are different to each other. No two humans are equal physically or mentally. Every day they update their thoughts. Wisdom of life, you can enjoy only by forming daily habit to know, the influence of God  in your life. When you see twig(a small very thin stem of wood that grows from a branch of a tree) of a tree, you should know, that tree is growing due to enough manure+enough sun light.
 Manure is similar to your efforts(habit of prayer+good attitude) +God's grace for you(sunlight). Without these 2, you cannot see a twig.

To get God's grace you should follow His commandments{10 commandments given by father+pardoning & Love given by son+ church rules given by Holy Spirit}. When You compare to last year to this year, if you can see, that God presence More in your life, you are growing a twig, otherwise verify how to improve. You must try to know who you are without depending on others.

B.2. Today 2nd reading says"

"when all sins have been forgiven,there can be no more sins offerings"
In common management principles, there are 4 steps you will follow, to see whether you are going positively towards a goal.

Plan,Do,Control and Adjust. This is called Deming cycle.
When you are moving towards God, you have to verify whether you follow His directions.
When you have a daily habit of praying, check whether you deviate(sins) to His commandments+Will. While get it pardoned from Him for your sins, you determine what action you should take in order not to
Repeat. Then you have to regulate your will not to repeat(Control). Following day at your prayer time verify whether you have achieved. Keep on repeating same management cycle to be more close to God.
Then only you will realize, that there are no more sin offering!.
The effort you made is manure for your life tree and has to be done until you depart from this world!.

B.3 God's management cycle

God has planned to create this world with human beings. Human beings with full freedom. Full freedom means always subject to law(control). He implemented. HE watch the result and found Adam and Eve has failed. He revised the plan,introduce fear/sorrow/death etc into human beings,

Then in 2 nd cycle HE selected Jews tribe and thru' prophets, He implemented the 1st revised plan, verified results, and then implemented 3rd cycle( 2nd revised plan), thru' Joseph+Mary,he send His Son, to introduce Love +pardoning message. He revised and introduced the last plan 4th cycle(3rd revised plan), with Holy spirit to form the church. This is a dynamic plan, it always changes with Holy spirit intervening thru' Papal infallibility to instruct Catholics,as how to manage the change.

B.4 Paradigm change: Living God concept
How my grand father lead the life compared to my life today is quiet different. For example he didn't have mobile telephones, while I am having now. But there is not much different, the life of my grand fathers pet dog to my pet dog now.  When human paradigm has to be changed to have a dynamic human generation, to have a wonderful world created by God. Otherwise my sons life will be same as my life lead to monotonous generation. Living God in HIS own wisdom, change the paradigm of humans, to make humans more efficient than before. There should be a mechanism of God to express HIS will, with regard to morality of humans. The mechanism is by invisible to visible pope. There is a very clear guidance given, beautifully adopted by catholic church, where there doesn't exist in other Christian denominations.

C.Today's reading:

Daniel(Dn:12:1-3) says"..Michel..stand..guard..your people..time..distress..your own..spared..names..found..those..lie sleeping..many..awake..some..disgrace.."

Hebrew says(Heb:10:11-14. 18)
Says"..priests..offering..same sacrifices..incapable..taking sins away. single sacrifice..right hand of God..when all sins have been forgiven,there can be no more sins offerings."

Mk (13:24-32) says" Jesus..'..after..distress..sun..darkened..powers in heaven's..shaken..son of man..clouds..power..send..angels..chosen..'Take..fig tree..its know..summer is near..before this generation passed words..not pass away.."

Reminds: whole actions that you have to make, as a catholic to observe promised Happiness given by God. Always you should see a TWIG in your life tree. For that on one side how you make a habit to follow the Deming management cycle to improve your life to avoid sins+follow God's Will(that is your manure) and then enjoy happiness as guaranteed by God(Sunlight).

D. Conclusions:
Twig carries two messages
(1) What you should do to be a dynamic catholic to follow God's will.
(2)Characteristics of living God.

When you understand the influence of both messages, and practice the deming cycle,(PDCA) daily to see that you are following God's will, you notice that God influence to your life is much moe than before.
Prayers are not a way of making your mind peaceful. It is a way of finding the peace that is already there and makes see your true insight, with respect that whether you follow God's commandments and follow HIS WILL. When you do that You are growing your life Twigs!

One Twig will give rise to many other twigs. To be happy with time, always try to see a twig in your life tree


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