
Saturday 28 November 2015

Sunday (29/11) Intoxicated Catholic - in summary

Today is the 1st sunday of the advent. Advent means coming. We know jesus came to this world 2015 years before. This is 1st coming of Christ. As a Christ follower, you should give birth to christ, in your life. This is 2 nd coming of Christ.

To understand yourself is the beginning of wisdom. When your life is guided by Jesus, you have to know what is catholism.

To know catholism, one should be clear how the information came to us and what are the outcomes of following Catholism.

Let analyse how this knowledge come to you?

Is it only from Bible?
Holy Spirit,formed CHURCH,divinely appointed Peter as head. Today his successor is pope Francis. Church does not derive it's belief from scripture alone &it was spread in entire Roman Empire before single book of New testament was written. There were many martyrs in church before to Gospels/Epistles. An authoritative &recognised ministry was carrying on God's work at HIS command, speaking in His name as witnesses of what they have seen,before anyone decided to write a single line of new testament. Church believed in VIRGIN BIRTH then Gospels recorded it. Church is preceded to new testament. Memory of church is more than 2014yrs & is called traditions(laid down in apostles creed-note CONCEIVED BY HOLY SPIRIT,BORN OF VIRGIN MARY/Communion  OF SAINTS).Gospel needs tradition as lungs need air. True christianity has to be from scriptures & continuous teaching of Church!. can U ignore Church?

Now we know from what sources we can get knowledge of Catholism.

Now we should find out, what are the out comes to your life when you follow Catholism!
I.e Happiness with time.

Prophet Jeremah(Jr 33:14-16) says"..days..coming..Lord..Speaks..fulfil..promise..virtuous..grow..practice honesty..days..saved..Lord our-integrity'

Paul says(Ps 24:4-5. 8-9. 10.14)" human..he..your hearts..holiness.. blameless..Father..Christ comes..his saints..urge you..appeal lord..more to forgotten..instructions.."

Lk(21:25-28. 34-36) says""

First we have to study about God, to make his directions to be followed. Then you give birth to God in your life. Physical birth of God to this world is Jesus. Jesus teaching are paramount importance to reflect in identifying who is our God!. Today, church invite us to devote time to know about God, without becoming intoxicated with too much craving about earth bound need (power,Money and desires) and avoiding 7 vices.
Then you have a free mind to analyse: now we should know, who is God-father,God-Son,God- Holy spirit.
What they request us to do? 10 commandments with turn your other cheek+pardoning and love+church rules.

In order to understand fully, one should be clear how God-son(Jesus) came to this world, the role of mary and Joseph. During this advent, you can reflect more on Holy Family, for you to prepare for Jesus in your life!.


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