
Friday 6 November 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:31: Date:1/11/2015. Perfect Catholic: All saints day - in detail

Back ground: last section of sunday reflections{about 7 weeks-(23)-(30)}
We were told how to remove our spiritual deafness and blindness, in our life. Once we achieve that, we will be followers of God, not like 9 lepers in the Gospel. Then you will be able to enjoy wisdom of life.

Person who is HAPPY is not because Everything is RIGHT in his Life..
He is HAPPY because his Attitude towards Everything in his Life is Right..!!

B. Preamble for Today Reading:

B.1 Characteristics of saints

No body in this world live alone
He is always interdependent with other human beings. You need friends to associate. When you have a good friend, you can keep silent, as he will represent your matters. Similarly you need to develop spiritual friends. Learn about them, they will, intercede with God, to support you, at your difficult times. God in His own wisdom, showed us, that we need to go through, spiritual friends in resolving our worries.
Saints were normal people, who overcome the human woe's, by following God's Commandments. So they are the most suitable people, to direct and support us.

B.2 How to declare a saint

By divine choice Mary+saints intercedes for us!(ex:Cana wedding), Intercessory prayer affirms that we are one spiritual FAMILY!,with God.

5 steps to declare Saint

(1)whether he lead his life with7Heroic Virtues(cardinal-PRUDENCE,JUSTICE, FORTITUDE,TEMPERENCE+ theological-FAITH,HOPE,CHARITY)
(2)With approval from CONGREGRATION FOR CAUSE OF SAINTS(CFCOS),he will be considered "SERVENT OF GOD"
(3)Relator investigate his work whether it is Theologically Sound!.CFCOS/Pope will declare him as"VENERABLE"(Virtues are worthy of being venerated by people!)(4)Blessed is declared,with a miracle-(Prostulator report,action is supernatural &directly attributed to him)
(5)After Blessed miracle is needed him to declare as Saint!.

Saints does not need honor from us neither our devotion add slightest thing for what theirs.

B.3 St Jude's feast and all saints day!

God can make Impossible to POSSIBLE. St Jude reminds us, that saints intercede with God, to support our needs. This implies that all saints intercede with respective functions with God,to assist us. To day we remember all saints!

St Jude shows us the value of saints too!. Develop spiritual friends, like your normal friends & enjoy their qualities.

About St Jude

Jude,son of Cleopas & Mary was a cousin of Jesus.His brother was also Apostle-James the less.This Mary stood beneath the cross when Jesus died & participated in anointing HIS body.In his boyhood & youth Jude must have known Jesus well. He authored last canonical epistle which contain strong doctrine in few words!.Jesus replied for his question at last supper that"He manifest Himself only to those who are faithful in keeping HIS commands"Jude is pictured with an image of Jesus,since he cured the king Edessa from Leprosy.When he ordered the devils in pagan idols to leave,the images fell to the ground & broken into pieces. He was beaten to death with clubs in Persia along with another Apostle Simon(lawyer, believed to be bridegroom at Cana-nothing is known about him).His relics are now venerated at St Peters Basillica Rome. He is the patron for hospital and for impossible cases.

B.3 loved ones and purgatory
Interdependence creates friends. In our life we are indebted to our parents,relations+friends. Once they depart from this life, leaving us, we should be able to remember them and support them to go to heaven. We know all humans are not ideal in behavior. They might have committed sins. Catholic church has introduced, in between
Stage to heaven, as purgatory. where you spent some time at purgatory.
Fatima 1st apparition, Holy Mary confirmed that there is a purgatory.

1st apparation
Lucy,jacinta& francisco saw Mary(1 time) on13/5/1917,at mid day.
MARY:Do'nt be afraid,I will not harm you LUCY: where is your grace from?
M: I'm from Heaven
L: what does your grace wish of me?
M: Come here for 6 months,on 13th.Later I will tell you who I am & what I want. Afterward I will return here for the 7  time
L: will I go to heaven?
M: yes
L: Jacinta?
M: also
L: Francisco?
M: but he must say many Rosaries!
L: Is Neves in heaven?
M: yes
L: Amilea?
M: she will be in PURGATORY until the end of the world...Do you wish to endure all the sufferings that GOD may be pleased to send you?,as both an act of reparation for the sins with which HE is offended & act of supplication for the conversion of sinners?
L: yes
M: Then,you will have much to suffer.But the Grace OF GOD will be your comfort.

B.4 Concept of purgatory

All Souls Day(2/11)

Similar to earthly friends,you should develop heavenly friends-saints,which we reflected on all saints feast. In all day,you remember your friends suffering in PURGATORY {some details about purgatory,you can get an idea in:2maccabees(12:43-45)}-

can you forget your friends who have departed?Like all saints,all souls also family feast,where social bonds are renewed.

Council of trent,declared,souls in purgatory(they cannot help themselves,but depend on living people)are assisted by your prayers+alms+offering Holy Mass, to satisfy divine justice+to shorten their detention in purgatory,where they must expiate their Venial sins+suffer pains due to their sins,whose guilt,indeed,has already removed but for which there still left a debt of temporal punishment,on account of imperfection in repentance.

Church custom enriched with visiting cemetery in all soul's day. your living is interdependent with both spiritual &earthly society. Protestants do not believe purgatory.

C. To days readings:
Book of Apocalypse(Rv;7:2-4. 9-14) says"..John saw..Angel rising..carrying..seal..God;..called.. 4 angels.. to devastate land and sea.'Wait..until..put..seal..foreheads..servents..God..I saw..huge..'Victory to..God'..touched ground with their foreheads,worshiping God..they washed.. robes..again.."

John says(1 Jn 3:1-3) " on s him..see HIM.."

MT(5:1-12) says" happy..poor..heaven..gentle..heritage..mourn..comported..who hunger..satisfied.. merciful..shown them..pure heart..see God.. peacemakers..children of God..cause of right..heaven.. Happy are you when people abuse..speak..kinds of calamity..on my account. Rejoice.."

Reminds: when you live to please only God, by following His rules+ practice in your life, you enjoy happiness.
After adhering to the commandments given by Father,Son and Holy spirit(on going), You have to avoid 7 vices(anger,sloth,Pride, envy, lust,avarice and glutonny), you can enjoy life as stated in the Gospel. All other readings supports, to show that happiness will be reached only by people who follow commandments.

Conclusions: Nov 1st is all saints day and nov 2nd is all souls day. This 2 feast reminds us, how Holy spirit influence the church, to clarify and guide us, to follow God's kingdom Similarly, we found last few sundays, additional commandments+guidence given to church by Holy spirit.
(1) conversion of church to cast-less
(2) Not to have male crcumscion
(3) Eat pork(no restriction on food)
(4)Concept of communion of saints
(5) Concept of purgatory.
There are many other..!
 Today,we are reminded the happiness is not earth bound but spiritual. When you are happy, you forget that you are n the earth, but you are flying, overcoming the gravitation.

To experience sensual pleasure there must be external objects or participants but gaining mental happiness does not depend on these.


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