
Friday 13 November 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:32: Date:8/11/2015. Generous Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
last section of sunday reflections{about 7 weeks-(23)-(30)}
We were told how to remove our spiritual deafness and blindness, in our life. Once we achieve that, we will be followers of God, not like 9 lepers in the Gospel. Then last sunday, we reflected about how to enjoy wisdom of life,where all saints set an example. Today another feature f saints are high lighted- generosity.

Generous man shows his greatness by the way that he treats his poor and destitute fellow beings with compassion. The true powerful become strength to all

B. Preamble for to day's reading

B.1 How to get correct attitude?
Every human in this world is born with at least one talent. Talent has to be converted to skills,by repeated practices. Then you gain knowledge on that subject. You try to disseminate knowledge to the society thru' Hard work . Then only you develop good attitude.

YOU CAN ALTER YOUR LIFE BY ALTERING YOUR ATTITUDES IN MIND. Assuming each letter in alphabet has a value equals to its sequence:a/1,b/2..z/26etc.

SKILLS= 19+11+9+12+12+9=82,
HARD WORK= 8+1+12+4+23+15+18+11= 98,
ATTITUDE= 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100.

Your attitude,will become your thoughts; your thoughts will become your words, your word will become your actions, your actions,will become your HABBIT. It will become your personality. Right attitude produce right actions. When U know your talent is given by God,U develop all steps above for LOVE OF GOD

LOVE OF GOD= 12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4=101;

Hence ATTITUDE with LOVE OF GOD will put you top,while hard work& knowledge will get you closer.

B.2. Love of God!
Human belongs to one family, with God as Father. God has created you to lead a happy life.  Hence love of God and Love of society becomes one of major actions of a catholic. Catholic morality is stemming from these basic principles.
There can be no real morality without knowledge, no real knowledge without morality. Both are bound together like heat and light of a flame.

C. Todays' readings:
Book of kings says( 1 kings 17:10-16)" gate..widow..he said" drink"'..bring me scrap of..bread..'..but Elijah..Do not be afraid'..women went..they of meal..not spend..nor..jug..oil emptied..

Hebrew(9:24-28) says"..though sanctuary..real one..he dose not..offer..again..or suffer..end of..last away..sin..sacrificing..He appears 2nd time ..reward..salvation.."

Mk(12:38-44) says"..Jesus said 'Beware.. scribes..walk..long robes..front seats.. swallow property f widows..opposite..poor widow..penny..has put more..she possessed.."


2 widows attitudes,who gave all possessions without calculating FUTURE for LOVE OF GOD. We observed same in life of saints.
When you develop your talent to many skills, you have to have a peace in mind
+ active. Basic requirement is you should be without anger and without laziness
You should follow commandments given by Holy Trinity. Then you should hand over all your fears/sorrows/disagreements to Mary and saints. Finally you should be efficient in time.(Use latest technology)when you develop skills always use new technology(mk2:21-23-NEW WINE-basket).

With many skills you will develop knowledge. Knowledge with hard work develop your attitudes.
Jesus warn about bad attitude(Mt21:18-20-cursing fig tree))+
He showed good attitude with miracles(Jn6: 1-14- small boy in multiplication of LOAVES)+

You have to develop your talent to Skills,(one talent will create many skills) then gather KNOWLEDGE. Unlike others,When your Hard work is for love of God,you get correct Attitude.

When we know how we obtain knowledge of God we are on the right path without interfering in the work of God in our soul. A convinced person can do anything for God, when he knows who God is. Those who linked their hearts to delight of the world, then do not understand the delight in God. Last sunday, we were told how to enjoy wisdom of life, today it further extend and conclude how to develop good attitudes( for the love of God) resulting cheerfulness in your life.


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