
Monday 28 March 2016

Cycle 3:season:easter: Sunday No: 1 Date:27/3/2015-Easter Sunday- Grounded Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground: during lent, we were informed
(1)we should read scripture knowing the concept of your creation with having overview of eras of Trinity.
(2) You will start seeing that all your previous life experience are watched by God(Transfiguration)
(3) When you follow sunday readings, you will see that your life become proactive.
(4) You will see, your life is swinging from 'God presence'(big brother) to 'No God'(pordigl son)
(5) Stoning of sinful women: Value of confession of your sins. After confession you should be able to forget your sinful activity,as well as, you should be able to pardon others, who has sinned against you. Jn 20:23 is adhered only by catholic church. Confession with a priest
(6) On palm sunday,
We observed,(1)how God found a pass over room-HE knows activities before hand.
(2) Nature of human, today you will be accepted and after one week, you rejected,Jesus
(3)Left hand thief sins are pardoned.(Identify difference between Judas and him. Judas, though he repent, he didn't come back to Jesus, but thief, repented and came back to Jesus)
(7) On good friday; Role of Mary to our life.
She has been requested to intercede on behalf of us.

We are reminded the important characteristics of Christianity: Risen Jesus. Only Jesus has come back after death.

Slogan of christianity
Your sins can be pardoned during this life.

B. Preamble for todays readng:

B.1 what is the main message of Christianity?
Is it love or Pardoning

Any human in this world is prune for sins: Catholicism sins are going against 7 Ethics; Every religion is having their own Ethics. They also define sins, if they go against their Ethics. All religions, believe, that you increase fear and sorrow into your life thru' sins.
 But Christianity, says, you can pardoned your sins, during this life itself, with the sacrament of confession. The Risen Christ shows this basic message of erasing the effect of Sins.

Almost all religions in the world, take love as one of their basic actions

Hence Christianity basic slogan is that your effect of Sins can be nullified during this life too. There is a clear process defined,as how to clear the effects of sins

B.2 what is the process, a Christian should follow to erase his sins?

According to John 20:23; Priest has to listen to your sins and he has given powers to absolve the effect of sins, subject to
(1) You are really repenting your sins, and determine not to do it again.
(2)You should pardoned the others who has sinned against you.

Unfortunately, all other Christian denomination not have process similar to Catholicism, since their priest can marry resulting difficulties in maintaining confidentiality!,of confession

C.  Today's reading: act of apostles(Acts 10:34. 37-41) says: Disciples say"Peter addressed them, 'Jesus received Holy Spirit from God/He was killed/But God raised him on3rd day/Jesus appeared&told us that God made him the judge of living&dead/& said sins of those who trusts him are forgiven?.

Paul(Col 3:1-4) says"If U're raised with Christ,seek heavenly things;not things which are earthly"

John(20:1-9)says"Mary Magdalene went to tomb/saw moved stone/ran to Peter/Disciples got to tomb/saw linen strips on ground/failed to understand Resurrection of Christ." -

Reminds: Risen Christ is reminding us, that our sins can be pardoned,during this life. this implies human life doesn't have rebirth. Eternal life of 2 parts: life in this World(temporary) and life outside this world(eternal). Your un pardoned sins Will cause you to suffer either this life or outside this life. Christianity has a clear process of how to clear, your adverse effects causing from sins.
It gives another message: that is you will be rehabilitating your life, which is always prune for sins. Like gravitation, you are always prune to sins. Always through Confession, you can rehabilitate your life, causing you to be more close to God. When you rehabilitate, you always forget your previous sins. Why God, shown us the linen covered in Jesus death body,in the Tomb. This is very important characteristics.
FORGIVENESS MAKE YOU TO FORGET YOUR SIN and allow you to restart your life fresh!.
So Catholic life is like a pendulum of a clock. Swinging from sinning state to sin less state. In between you get confession. But CONFESSION IS NOT A LICENSE TO SIN. Always you rehabilitate your life to a more refined friendship with God. So Catholic become more dynamic thru' Confession. Since only catholic, follow the Bible,the process given by God to confess!(Ex Jn 20:23)..
Conclusions: Without confession, You cannot visualize the RISEN JESUS. Your life become static without that. Without 2 Processes(1)have a peaceful mind thru' confession(2) Without handing your worries to Mary/saint for them to intercede on behalf of you. How can you have a happy mind?.
Without happy mind, how can you love others?

Overall summary:
1)Failure to understand that our sins can be forgiven-Risen Jesus.
2)After confession we should forget our sins-linen cloth.
3)Whether we agree or not,God will judge our actions.
4)Sins will bring fear/sorrow to this life or sufferings to purgatory/hell (where we?re helpless).
5)With Confession,the effect of sins can be cleared-WITHOUT THERE IS NO CHRISTIANITY

Wish you a Happy Easter!

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Easter Sunday(27/3)Grounded Catholic - in summary

Judas betrate God, then repent but hang himself- he is in hell?

The Right hand thief, repent for his sins- he is in heaven.

Both were repenting for what they have done, but end up in 2 different places. Why?

Though Judas was repenting, he did not come to God,to erase his guilt. But good thief repenting and came to God!

Sorry society:
We have been trained, as Sorry society, similar to Judas!. When we say 'sorry' to another person,and if you feel,other person has really worried about your action, when you say sorry to him; without an confession, can you get it pardoned from God for your action?. It is better to say sorry to him and have a confession, to remove the guilt of that sin from your life. The priest who hear your confession, will give you to do some penance and then your guilt is removed.

How this is possible?

Risen christ, gives us 2 major messages
(1) God will pardoned your sins, during this life, when you follow sacrament of confession
(2) Only one life for catholics/ no rebirth or karma

Today's reading:
 Act of apostles(Acts 10:34. 37-41) says: Disciples say"Peter addressed them, 'Jesus received Holy Spirit from God/He was killed/But God raised him on3rd day/Jesus appeared&told us that God made him the judge of living&dead/& said sins of those who trusts him are forgiven?.

Paul(Col 3:1-4) says"If U're raised with Christ,seek heavenly things;not things which are earthly"

John(20:1-9)says"Mary Magdalene went to tomb/saw moved stone/ran to Peter/Disciples got to tomb/saw linen strips on ground/failed to understand Resurrection of Christ." -

Reminds: Risen Christ is reminding us, that our sins can be pardoned,during this life. this implies human life doesn't have rebirth. Eternal life of 2 parts: life in this World(temporary) and life outside this world(eternal). Your un pardoned sins Will cause you to suffer either this life or outside this life. Christianity has a clear process of how to clear, your adverse effects causing from sins.
It gives another message: that is you will be rehabilitating your life, which is always prune for sins. Like gravitation, you are always prune to sins. Always through Confession, you can rehabilitate your life, causing you to be more close to God. When you rehabilitate, you always forget your previous sins. Why God, shown us the linen covered in Jesus death body,in the Tomb. This is very important characteristics.
FORGIVEN SIN AND FORGETTING SINS. Confession is not a licence to sin. It will allow you to rehabilitate your life, to be more close to God. At the very begining you start confession for the fear of hell, gradually, you will understand God's love and the real confession will start,understanding the sin cause you to loose God's friendship with you


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Wednesday 23 March 2016

Cycle 3:season:lent, Good Friday(25/3) Marian Catholic - in general

A. Back ground:
Good Friday will end the lent period. Always good Friday will have same readings.(1,2&3) in all 3 cycles.
Summary Of lent(cycle3)
Each sunday,you are invited to reflect;
(1)father+son,trained Jews,how to mange your free will,with option to follow God or not/Holy spirit formed church/with this in mind you can read scripture
(2)You will see TRANSFIGURED God in your life-(God presence in most of your previous action)
(3)For present&future life,you should reflect sunday readings,at least for3yrs,for full knowledge and you will observe Proactive life(god's presence in all of your present actons)
(4)Your life always swing from elder to pordigal son,No/yes confession
(5)Basics of Catholic confession;real sorry&not to repeat Sin(sin is going against 7 Ethics+church rules)/pardon others who has sin against you/Confess with priest/forget your sinful activity.
(6)Palm sunday(your life swing from left to right Criminal)-with fear& sorrow scapegoat God/without that have faith with God,in removing effects of your sin(Confession)(7)Good Friday(death Jesus on lap of Mary)always get support of Mary to TAKE AWAY your SIN(thru' Confession)

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1. Jesus passion and Gospel writers

Good Friday will end the lent period. Always good Friday will have same readings.(1,2&3) in all 3 cycles. Jesus passion has been written by all 4 gospel writers. There are similar story of Jesus passion. Last palm sunday, we observed, passion written by Luke. There we observed, story of criminals,has been clearly explained more by him. This has paved for us to explain, the meaning of pardoning more clearly, to be in par with previous 2 sunday readings: stoning of woman+pordigal son.
Today, you will see, a unique explanation of John, with regard to Mary, where other Gospels has not touched. It is amazing, that we are opportune to read 4 Gospels, by different writers at different times,ranging from 60 years to 120 years. Up to 60 years early church has run by word of mouth with creed. Then first 2 gospel writers, recorded the stories of Jesus,to explain people,who has witness  these stories. They might have omitted certain facts, which they should have thought, that everybody knows. The last 2 Gospel writers,luke and John, has further elaborated those stories, where there were few people living,who has witness, the actual stores of Jesus. So they have tried to detail more to explain important factors, that new people should be able to aware, 2 such things are in luke: stories of criminals and in John, story of mary, assigning as mother all of us. Very important also, this john, is same person, who witness ths incident, at Golgotha.(Why other writers did not write/specially luke(mary's Gospel)-until Mary's assumption, she may be not aware about gravity of ths statement).

B.1 horoscope
Planets,galaxies are created by God. God's will, govern for any actions of ours. When you trust position of planets, will decide out comes your action, you undermine, God's Omni potent.
Jesus death and risen has a lap of 3 days. Why?, just to indicate, sometimes we tend to forget God,undermining HiS power and relay on instruments, where HE has created. But this is short lived(indicating only 3 days)

Horoscopes are based on position of planets. Some believe that your, future achievements are based upon, your birth time and movement of planets. Up to now, there is no evidence that the horoscopes will forecast your future. 3 factors has to be considered.
(1)No two person in this world is similar. They don't have unique thinking and action for life problem are different from one t another.
(2) Vast number of politicians in asia, who were depending on horoscopes, didn't survive for long period. When they were defeated, they tend to disregard the belief of Horoscopes
(3) Christians believe that God knows all out comes of any action. Omni potent+omni scent+ omni presence. Believing horoscopes always, interferes with diluting the ability of God.
(4) You cannot substitute, ability of God, with any God's creation. Planets are God's creation.

B.2 Conflict management of Mary and Joseph

Adam &Eve's original sin caused childhood to be introduced to humans. It is parent's responsibility to keep children away from doing childish things by instructing good manners &guiding them. Main responsibility of Joseph was to look after baby Jesus, during HIS childhood,which he has done nicely by;
1) All rituals he followed for HIM.
2) King Herod's threat on baby Jesus's life which enforced Him to exile to Egypt.
3) When they return,they were diverted to Nazareth,warned of a further potential threat on Child's life.
4) Loss of child Jesus in temple.
5)He help us to avoid childish works in our lives-In Sri Lanka Both Saradieal (imprisoned on 21/3/1864) & Rev Somarama (who face death in 7/7/1962)died as Christians.WHY DID BOTH OF THEM TAKE 'JOSEPH'AS THEIR BAPTISED NAME?

Conflict means, the difference of opinion that you will have in your brain, where main brain,talks logically and arrive at a decision, while you have a conflicting opinion given from your sub concise.(Empricism). We should try to avoid this conflict, by following concept very clearly. So that your decesions are based on non conflict decision. By following Catholicism, it will be easy for you to get non conflicting decesion. Joseph and Mary are good examples for this.
Take example: martin luther, He had valid reasons to depart church, but, immediately after departure what has happend? He got married. There is conflict!. So Luther's Marriege has caused to undermine, the main theme of christianity,"THAT YOU CAN ERASE EFFECT OF SIN,DURING THIS LIFE TOO, THOUGH CONFESSION(jn20:23)" this is the main message that risen Christ, tell us. Confessions by married priest, is not practical, as it interact family affairs!.

B.3 how Mary follow the instructions:

Holy Mary, is very prominent to give major messages to humanity, how to amend our life more towards God!

Prominent apparitions of mary ,1830 to Catherine in paris, in 1858 at lourdes and 1917 at Fatima, is few examples to mention.

C. Todays reading:
Isaah says(Is 52:13-53:12)" servent..something never told..heard before..sufferings He bore..sorrows HE carried..crushed our sins..HE never open HiS mouth..Lord..pleased..crush HIM..takng their faults on himself.."

Letter to Hebrew(4:14-16; 5:7-9) says"..never let go off the who hs been tempted in every way..have mercy from HiM..He learnt to obey thru' suffering.."

Gospel Jn 18:1-19:42 says"..passion of our lord..near the cross..HIS mother..sister Mary,..& Mary of magdala..Jesus said to HIS mother,WOMEN THS IS U'R the dsciple HE said" THIS IS U'R MOTHER"..I am thirsty..taken..vinegar..gave up HIS SPIRiT.."

D. Reminds:
Jesus Body was hanging with 3nails on cross.They took him off cross & laid HIS body on Mary's lap.

Why didn't they lay him on John's lap?

John represented all humans at Golgotha. Just before Jesus died,showing John HE told Mary'This is your son'&John accepted.Similarly Mary was asked to look after us.Why only John has written about this?

This Golgotha incident reminds;
1)Facing fear/sorrow in our lives-like death body of Jesus.
2)Like 3nails,woes are of 3 types,pertaining to YOU, you'r family &friends & your living society.
3)Hand over all to Mary every night.Go to sleep peacefully-on lap of Mary.your worries will become diluted with your faith(stick to7Catholic ethics-like Cana water)
4)Identify your sins. Have regular confession with a priest-like thief on right
5)Then accept any worries/as God will change Ur life

E. Conclusions: all cycles, Good Friday, readings are same. Special mention about Mary and her role to us in Present day life, is clearly mention by John, who himself was present at Golgotha. He was the last gospel writer, he should have thought fit to write this incident, unlike other writers,since, He has understood the role of Mary, in the salvation process. He is the only person who wrote about Cana incident. Christianity differs from other religions in the world, due to
(1) You have a process, of identifying clearly, your sin,and get it pardoned, so that effect of your sin is nullified during the present life itself.
(2)It is having clear process, how to achieve worry less mind, which s very important for your good health.
(3)It shows you are not alone, always spiritually you are supported by angels, saints and God. You will have easy method of running your life.



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Monday 21 March 2016

Cycle 3: Season: Lent, Sunday No 6: Date:20/3/16;Palm sunday: Rehabilitate Catholic - in detail

Back ground: all 3 cycles palm sunday,1st and 2nd readings are same, only Gospel readings differs :cycle 1 to 3 gospel readings are from passion of Jesus, read thru' ...luke, while good friday, all 3 cycles are same readings with passion of christ,read thru' John.
  today is the last sunday of the lent. During this 6 sundays of lent: we were reminded, about a practical behavior of catholic life.
(1)how we should read scripture(be clear about concept of God in creating you)
(2)how you should get to know about God's grace in your life(magical)
(3)how you should realize God, in your day to day activities(proactive ness)
(4)As human,who is prune for sins, how your life swing from elder brother to prodigal son(grace to sin) and treatment for sin/catholic confession
(5)special characteristics of confession-before confessions,pardoned all others who has sinned against you+sorry for your sins+determination not to repeat+confessed to a priest; after confession/follow the merciful acts given by priest in retrition for your sins+ forget act of sin+follow 7 ethics and church rules.

Human life is swing from grace (sin less) to sinful. You will rehabilitate your life with every confession!. This is why God has told that priest can absolve our sins.

Jn 20:23 If you forgive anyone's sins, their sins are forgiven;

Though you are baptized/confirmed Catholic, but you cannot do this!,unless you a catholic priest.
Today readings shows 2 important points

(1)you welcome Jesus,but, after a week you asked HIM to be crucified
(2) With confession negative effects of your sins are taken off. You will live in full grace
Jesus told to the right hand thief "you will be with me today in paradise"

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1. Contrition
 -is guilt &sorry you feel for your actions against 7Ethics&church rules(sins). Sorry for sins MUST be genuine. Priests give everyone benefit of doubt,but no-one can fool God. PERFECT SORRY is when you are genuinely sorry as SINS OFFEND GOD. Imperfect Sorry is when your sorry as you fear pains of hell. Church believes either sorry will do;but PERFECT is obviously better. When you visit the doctor,you should explain symptoms before he diagnose problem &prescribe remedy. CONFESSION is like a spiritual check-up. Priest is  SPIRITUAL PHYSICIAN. Once you reveal your sins he will judge suitable penance(accd:Jn20:23).But only God judges if the person is truly sorry for his sins. Otherwise Sacrament will not work. you can FOOL PRIEST BUT NOT GOD. Effect of sin will increase fear/sorrow in life. God,thru' Catholic confession provides rehabilitation path for happy life. Are you same as good thief with Jesus at Golgotha?you Confess sin?

B.2- 7 Ethics

7ETHICS to follow n your life;

1)10 Commandments - Thou shall have no other gods before Me/Thou shan't make idols/Thou shan't take the name of thy LORD God in vain/Remember Sabbath day,to keep it holy/Honour thy father&mother/Thou shan't murder/Thou shan't commit adultery/Thou shan't steal/Thou shan't bear false witness against thy neighbour/Thou shan't covet thy neighbours goods.
(2)7 SACRAMENTS-Baptism/Communion/Confirmation/Confession/Last rights/Matrimony/Holy Orders
(4)Practice7CORPORAL MERCIES-Feeding hungry/Giving drink to thirsty/Clothing naked/Welcoming strangers/Visiting sick&imprisoned/Burying death
(5)&SPIRITUAL MERCIES-Counselling doubtful/Instructing ignorant/Admonishing sinner/Comforting sorrowful/Bearing wrong patiently/Pray for living&dead

Additionally ChurchRules(Ex:artificial/bir/con/,Abortion,Euthanasia)U?

B.3 Way Of The Cross

Jesus did not take up the cross,to show us HOW TO DIE but to show us HOW TO LIVE!

(12)HE DIES ON CROSS{jn 15:13}
(14)HE IS LAID IN TOMB{jn19:41}
(15)JESUS IS RISEN{Lk 24:1}/

on 1st Easter day,Jesus said'GO TELL TO DISCPILES"/
At Ascension,HE told"GO TEACH ALL NATIONS"/
On Pentacost,Holy Spirit gave power to disciples,TO GO PROCLAIM/
Baptism you are called to proclaim GOOD NEWS/
At confirmation you receive Holy Spirit to strength your mission/

From Confession+receivng Holy Eucharst+reflecting Sunday readings, You can re strength, your mission.

B.4. God Enough/Why Confess To Priest?

Main theme of Christianity"LAMB OF GOD,WHO TAKE AWAY THE SINS OF WORLD "What is the process you should follow to pardon your sins?.John20:23 says"IF YOU FORGIVE ANYONES SINS,THEIR SINS ARE FORGIVEN"
(1)who is 'YOU'?
(2)Why,HE didn't tell"if YOU repent &ask to forgive,YOUR sins are forgiven?'

Ans:(1)YOU is the priest appointed by Holy Spirit,thru' Pope
(2)to forgive your sins. you have to confess to authorize priest. Confession allows you to be happy,as promised by God.

B.5 Effect of sin

Every religion in this world, tells that when you sin, it will effect your happiness in this world. Christianity does not support Rebirth and believe that your sins can be forgiven, during this life too. The process is
(1)identify what is your sin
(2) repent for that and determine not to do again
(3)pardoned your enemies for their against you
(4) Confess to a priest
(5) do the Penance the priest propose
(6)forget the sin/s
(7)live with 7 Ethics of catholism.

C. Today's reading:

Isaiah(Is 50:4-7) says "Lord has given me tongue/know how to sustain to weary/Lord helps me."

Paul(Ph 2:6-11) says "He was in form of god/But emptied himself/Taking form of slave/Accepting death on cross.

Lk(22:14-23:56) says "On the cross/One criminal mocked Jesus/Aren’t U Christ? Save Urself & us/Other spoke& rebuke Don’t U fear God? Jesus when in kingdom, remember me/”Indeed U'll be with me in paradise".

D. Reminds:

A) your life swings from left to right like thieves at Golgotha.When in trouble, if you BLAME GOD U’r like 1st thief. Ones who love God, identify sins, recover life with CONFESSION like 2nd thief.

(B)To erase sin &gain complete forgiveness,
Have a confession,with Priest!
 the outcome of having sacrament of confession-HAPPINESS. Our whole life swings in 2 states, (1) sinning- due to earth bound desires (2) confession- getting pardoned for our sins and have spiritual happiness. More and more confessions means you are focusing to catholic ethics+ try to follow God's Will. Hand washing confession(without going to a priest) tends to lose your focus on Ethics, without your knowledge, you move like abusing God.

When every thing goes well towards earth bound needs, you love God, but when there is a hik up, you start blaming and doubting God.

(C)Today people praise God, but within a week they crucify him, showing how much we'r prune for sin. U?

E. Conclusions: it is interesting to note, that only LUKE, gives the story of this good Thief, who shows us the value of confession!. This is talling with previous sundays of this cycle.

Christianity does not support rebirth, it supports only one birth. Why fear/sorrow/disagreement will come to your life?
(1) It can be due it sins or
(2) God wants you to change your life pattern
You don't know, which is the actual cause, it can be due to 1 of these 2. Only God knows!

Sin will introduce adverse effect to your happiness. Your life will be in this world or hell or purgatory. Whether your effect of sin comes during this life or outside this life, only knows by God. One thing appears to be clear, that you have to repay for your un pardoned sins. Christian allows you to identify your sin and get it pardoned. If you believe in rebirth and assume Karma has caused you to suffer, you don't know, what is the actual reason of your suffering!.

In sri lankan history,one person who was identified as criminal was Saradiel, he was put to death in 7/5/1864 before death, he embraced into Christianity,and baptized as Joseph,
Main reason for him to embrace into Christianity, was the pardoning for sins, he has believed.

Every religion in this world, teach us that worries, fear & sorrow of our lives are due to sin. BUT Christianity will allow U to identify, what is your sin & give a process to rehabilitate & erase the effect of sin. Identifying sin & erasing effect of sin, will be done during this life only. Thru' resurrection of Christ, Christian believes of only one life - NOT REBIRTHS. Why? Death was due to original sin. With confession you can remove effect of sins, to reach eternal life. One life, after death - hell or purgatory to heaven! NO DEAD PERSON HAS EVER CAME BACK TO THIS WORLD, EXCEPT JESUS!


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Palm Sunday(20/3) Rehabilitate Catholic - in summary

In your life do you need rehabilitation?

Our original sin has caused us to attract towards sin, during our life. From your birth, you start (1) breathing(2)learning(3)attract towards earth bound needs,(gravitational pull) such as money,power+desires. With or Without your knowledge you tend to sin. First you have to identify sin, then you have to make remedial action, if possible correct the physical damage caused by sin. There can be 2 damages your sin has caused(1)society or some other person
To suffer and (2) your worries+fear to increase in your life(spiritually).

 Our life swing from 'sin less' state to 'sin' state. Catholism provided a process, how to rehabilitate your life to sin less state, and progress positively in your life. The process followed is Confession. You have to meet catholic priest, and confess with him, to get your sins absolved.(Effect of sins nullified). Only catholic church has this tedious process, still practice, as directed by Holy Spirit: just go thru' Jn 20:23 for you to further, understand, the catholic process!

Can Catholic believe rebirth?

Why confession become important.
If you want to progress in your life,don't postpone today's work to tomorrow. Similarly, the spiritual damage of your sin, will do harm spiritually to you. You have to clear it as quick as possible: sometimes you can think,after your death you can clear it. Catholism says(1)after death you will be either in heaven or purgatory or hell. Purgatory/hell,U suffer and you are help less. (2) no re births, so that you have to clear your sins during this life-since resurrection of Jesus clearly shown, that you can clear your sins, only during this life-knowing what is your sin. When you believe your rebirth and karma, you are trying to clear the effect of your sins without knowing what is your sin!.(3) only Jesus christ has risen from death. No other human has risen from death. No death person has ever come back.

How to identify sin?
Catholism identified sins very clearly. Lot of people think sin is going against your conscious. This is questionable, since without identifying your sins and rehabilitate by yourself, you tend to CONDITION YOUR SELF, that certain sinful activity in your life as correct.
So identify rules clearly.
Rules are given below!

7ETHICS to follow in your life;

1)10 Commandments - Thou shall have no other gods before Me/Thou shan't make idols/Thou shan't take the name of thy LORD God in vain/Remember Sabbath day,to keep it holy/Honour thy father&mother/Thou shan't murder/Thou shan't commit adultery/Thou shan't steal/Thou shan't bear false witness against thy neighbour/Thou shan't covet thy neighbours goods.
(2)7 SACRAMENTS-Baptism/Communion/Confirmation/Confession/Last rights/Matrimony/Holy Orders
(4)Practice7CORPORAL MERCIES-Feeding hungry/Giving drink to thirsty/Clothing naked/Welcoming strangers/Visiting sick&imprisoned/Burying death
(5)&SPIRITUAL MERCIES-Counselling doubtful/Instructing ignorant/Admonishing sinner/Comforting sorrowful/Bearing wrong patiently/Pray for living&dead

Additionally ChurchRules(Ex:artificial/bir/con/,Abortion,Euthanasia)U?

Only Luke gospel gives, the total picture of thieves, who died, alone with jesus!
All other Gospels doesnot give full picture
as Luke. Previous sundays , you might have seen, that, we reflected, about erasing our effect of sins, so in this sunday, it clearly gives the continuation, by showing, God can clear your sins,during this life too. Provided the conditions are satisfied.

Can you erase effect of sin,during this life too!- what is the advantage?

Christianity does not have much relation ship with clearing your sins, with alms giving or doing good. It is a reciprocal process.
(1) Identify your sin
(2)repent for that
(3)determine not to repeat
(4) Pardoned all enemies, who has sin against you
(5) Confess with a priest
(6)Carry out penitent proposed by Priest
(7) Forget your sin

Today's reading:

Isaiah(Is 50:4-7) says "Lord has given me tongue/know how to sustain to weary/Lord helps me."

Paul(Ph 2:6-11) says "He was in form of god/But emptied himself/Taking form of slave/Accepting death on cross.

Lk(22:14-23:56) says "On the cross/One criminal mocked Jesus/Aren’t U Christ? Save your rself & us/Other spoke& rebuke Don’t you fear God? Jesus when in kingdom, remember me/”Indeed U'll be with me in paradise".

D. Reminds:

A) your life swings from left to right, like thieves at Golgotha.When in trouble, if you BLAME GOD you are like 1st thief or Ones who love God, identify sins, recover life with CONFESSION like 2nd thief.

(B)To erase sin &gain complete forgiveness,Have a confession,with Priest!

the outcome of having sacrament of confession-HAPPINESS. Our whole life swings in 2 states, (1) sinning- due to earth bound desires (2) confession- getting pardoned for our sins and have spiritual happiness. More and more confessions means you are focusing to catholic ethics+ try to follow God's Will. Hand washing confession(without going to a priest) tends to lose your focus on Ethics, without your knowledge, you move like abusing God.

When every thing goes well towards earth bound needs, you love God, but when there is a hik up, you start blaming and doubting God.

(C)Today people praise God, but within a week they crucify him, showing how much we'r prune for sin. U?

Conclusion: Christianity main slogan is God will erase effect of your sins, during this life too. For that a clear process is proposed by Jesus(refer Jn 20:23). Only catholic church following this process. Hearing confession is one of the important process, carried out by catholic priest. Without which you are liable to deviate from mercy of God!


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