
Monday 21 March 2016

Palm Sunday(20/3) Rehabilitate Catholic - in summary

In your life do you need rehabilitation?

Our original sin has caused us to attract towards sin, during our life. From your birth, you start (1) breathing(2)learning(3)attract towards earth bound needs,(gravitational pull) such as money,power+desires. With or Without your knowledge you tend to sin. First you have to identify sin, then you have to make remedial action, if possible correct the physical damage caused by sin. There can be 2 damages your sin has caused(1)society or some other person
To suffer and (2) your worries+fear to increase in your life(spiritually).

 Our life swing from 'sin less' state to 'sin' state. Catholism provided a process, how to rehabilitate your life to sin less state, and progress positively in your life. The process followed is Confession. You have to meet catholic priest, and confess with him, to get your sins absolved.(Effect of sins nullified). Only catholic church has this tedious process, still practice, as directed by Holy Spirit: just go thru' Jn 20:23 for you to further, understand, the catholic process!

Can Catholic believe rebirth?

Why confession become important.
If you want to progress in your life,don't postpone today's work to tomorrow. Similarly, the spiritual damage of your sin, will do harm spiritually to you. You have to clear it as quick as possible: sometimes you can think,after your death you can clear it. Catholism says(1)after death you will be either in heaven or purgatory or hell. Purgatory/hell,U suffer and you are help less. (2) no re births, so that you have to clear your sins during this life-since resurrection of Jesus clearly shown, that you can clear your sins, only during this life-knowing what is your sin. When you believe your rebirth and karma, you are trying to clear the effect of your sins without knowing what is your sin!.(3) only Jesus christ has risen from death. No other human has risen from death. No death person has ever come back.

How to identify sin?
Catholism identified sins very clearly. Lot of people think sin is going against your conscious. This is questionable, since without identifying your sins and rehabilitate by yourself, you tend to CONDITION YOUR SELF, that certain sinful activity in your life as correct.
So identify rules clearly.
Rules are given below!

7ETHICS to follow in your life;

1)10 Commandments - Thou shall have no other gods before Me/Thou shan't make idols/Thou shan't take the name of thy LORD God in vain/Remember Sabbath day,to keep it holy/Honour thy father&mother/Thou shan't murder/Thou shan't commit adultery/Thou shan't steal/Thou shan't bear false witness against thy neighbour/Thou shan't covet thy neighbours goods.
(2)7 SACRAMENTS-Baptism/Communion/Confirmation/Confession/Last rights/Matrimony/Holy Orders
(4)Practice7CORPORAL MERCIES-Feeding hungry/Giving drink to thirsty/Clothing naked/Welcoming strangers/Visiting sick&imprisoned/Burying death
(5)&SPIRITUAL MERCIES-Counselling doubtful/Instructing ignorant/Admonishing sinner/Comforting sorrowful/Bearing wrong patiently/Pray for living&dead

Additionally ChurchRules(Ex:artificial/bir/con/,Abortion,Euthanasia)U?

Only Luke gospel gives, the total picture of thieves, who died, alone with jesus!
All other Gospels doesnot give full picture
as Luke. Previous sundays , you might have seen, that, we reflected, about erasing our effect of sins, so in this sunday, it clearly gives the continuation, by showing, God can clear your sins,during this life too. Provided the conditions are satisfied.

Can you erase effect of sin,during this life too!- what is the advantage?

Christianity does not have much relation ship with clearing your sins, with alms giving or doing good. It is a reciprocal process.
(1) Identify your sin
(2)repent for that
(3)determine not to repeat
(4) Pardoned all enemies, who has sin against you
(5) Confess with a priest
(6)Carry out penitent proposed by Priest
(7) Forget your sin

Today's reading:

Isaiah(Is 50:4-7) says "Lord has given me tongue/know how to sustain to weary/Lord helps me."

Paul(Ph 2:6-11) says "He was in form of god/But emptied himself/Taking form of slave/Accepting death on cross.

Lk(22:14-23:56) says "On the cross/One criminal mocked Jesus/Aren’t U Christ? Save your rself & us/Other spoke& rebuke Don’t you fear God? Jesus when in kingdom, remember me/”Indeed U'll be with me in paradise".

D. Reminds:

A) your life swings from left to right, like thieves at Golgotha.When in trouble, if you BLAME GOD you are like 1st thief or Ones who love God, identify sins, recover life with CONFESSION like 2nd thief.

(B)To erase sin &gain complete forgiveness,Have a confession,with Priest!

the outcome of having sacrament of confession-HAPPINESS. Our whole life swings in 2 states, (1) sinning- due to earth bound desires (2) confession- getting pardoned for our sins and have spiritual happiness. More and more confessions means you are focusing to catholic ethics+ try to follow God's Will. Hand washing confession(without going to a priest) tends to lose your focus on Ethics, without your knowledge, you move like abusing God.

When every thing goes well towards earth bound needs, you love God, but when there is a hik up, you start blaming and doubting God.

(C)Today people praise God, but within a week they crucify him, showing how much we'r prune for sin. U?

Conclusion: Christianity main slogan is God will erase effect of your sins, during this life too. For that a clear process is proposed by Jesus(refer Jn 20:23). Only catholic church following this process. Hearing confession is one of the important process, carried out by catholic priest. Without which you are liable to deviate from mercy of God!


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