
Wednesday 23 March 2016

Cycle 3:season:lent, Good Friday(25/3) Marian Catholic - in general

A. Back ground:
Good Friday will end the lent period. Always good Friday will have same readings.(1,2&3) in all 3 cycles.
Summary Of lent(cycle3)
Each sunday,you are invited to reflect;
(1)father+son,trained Jews,how to mange your free will,with option to follow God or not/Holy spirit formed church/with this in mind you can read scripture
(2)You will see TRANSFIGURED God in your life-(God presence in most of your previous action)
(3)For present&future life,you should reflect sunday readings,at least for3yrs,for full knowledge and you will observe Proactive life(god's presence in all of your present actons)
(4)Your life always swing from elder to pordigal son,No/yes confession
(5)Basics of Catholic confession;real sorry&not to repeat Sin(sin is going against 7 Ethics+church rules)/pardon others who has sin against you/Confess with priest/forget your sinful activity.
(6)Palm sunday(your life swing from left to right Criminal)-with fear& sorrow scapegoat God/without that have faith with God,in removing effects of your sin(Confession)(7)Good Friday(death Jesus on lap of Mary)always get support of Mary to TAKE AWAY your SIN(thru' Confession)

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1. Jesus passion and Gospel writers

Good Friday will end the lent period. Always good Friday will have same readings.(1,2&3) in all 3 cycles. Jesus passion has been written by all 4 gospel writers. There are similar story of Jesus passion. Last palm sunday, we observed, passion written by Luke. There we observed, story of criminals,has been clearly explained more by him. This has paved for us to explain, the meaning of pardoning more clearly, to be in par with previous 2 sunday readings: stoning of woman+pordigal son.
Today, you will see, a unique explanation of John, with regard to Mary, where other Gospels has not touched. It is amazing, that we are opportune to read 4 Gospels, by different writers at different times,ranging from 60 years to 120 years. Up to 60 years early church has run by word of mouth with creed. Then first 2 gospel writers, recorded the stories of Jesus,to explain people,who has witness  these stories. They might have omitted certain facts, which they should have thought, that everybody knows. The last 2 Gospel writers,luke and John, has further elaborated those stories, where there were few people living,who has witness, the actual stores of Jesus. So they have tried to detail more to explain important factors, that new people should be able to aware, 2 such things are in luke: stories of criminals and in John, story of mary, assigning as mother all of us. Very important also, this john, is same person, who witness ths incident, at Golgotha.(Why other writers did not write/specially luke(mary's Gospel)-until Mary's assumption, she may be not aware about gravity of ths statement).

B.1 horoscope
Planets,galaxies are created by God. God's will, govern for any actions of ours. When you trust position of planets, will decide out comes your action, you undermine, God's Omni potent.
Jesus death and risen has a lap of 3 days. Why?, just to indicate, sometimes we tend to forget God,undermining HiS power and relay on instruments, where HE has created. But this is short lived(indicating only 3 days)

Horoscopes are based on position of planets. Some believe that your, future achievements are based upon, your birth time and movement of planets. Up to now, there is no evidence that the horoscopes will forecast your future. 3 factors has to be considered.
(1)No two person in this world is similar. They don't have unique thinking and action for life problem are different from one t another.
(2) Vast number of politicians in asia, who were depending on horoscopes, didn't survive for long period. When they were defeated, they tend to disregard the belief of Horoscopes
(3) Christians believe that God knows all out comes of any action. Omni potent+omni scent+ omni presence. Believing horoscopes always, interferes with diluting the ability of God.
(4) You cannot substitute, ability of God, with any God's creation. Planets are God's creation.

B.2 Conflict management of Mary and Joseph

Adam &Eve's original sin caused childhood to be introduced to humans. It is parent's responsibility to keep children away from doing childish things by instructing good manners &guiding them. Main responsibility of Joseph was to look after baby Jesus, during HIS childhood,which he has done nicely by;
1) All rituals he followed for HIM.
2) King Herod's threat on baby Jesus's life which enforced Him to exile to Egypt.
3) When they return,they were diverted to Nazareth,warned of a further potential threat on Child's life.
4) Loss of child Jesus in temple.
5)He help us to avoid childish works in our lives-In Sri Lanka Both Saradieal (imprisoned on 21/3/1864) & Rev Somarama (who face death in 7/7/1962)died as Christians.WHY DID BOTH OF THEM TAKE 'JOSEPH'AS THEIR BAPTISED NAME?

Conflict means, the difference of opinion that you will have in your brain, where main brain,talks logically and arrive at a decision, while you have a conflicting opinion given from your sub concise.(Empricism). We should try to avoid this conflict, by following concept very clearly. So that your decesions are based on non conflict decision. By following Catholicism, it will be easy for you to get non conflicting decesion. Joseph and Mary are good examples for this.
Take example: martin luther, He had valid reasons to depart church, but, immediately after departure what has happend? He got married. There is conflict!. So Luther's Marriege has caused to undermine, the main theme of christianity,"THAT YOU CAN ERASE EFFECT OF SIN,DURING THIS LIFE TOO, THOUGH CONFESSION(jn20:23)" this is the main message that risen Christ, tell us. Confessions by married priest, is not practical, as it interact family affairs!.

B.3 how Mary follow the instructions:

Holy Mary, is very prominent to give major messages to humanity, how to amend our life more towards God!

Prominent apparitions of mary ,1830 to Catherine in paris, in 1858 at lourdes and 1917 at Fatima, is few examples to mention.

C. Todays reading:
Isaah says(Is 52:13-53:12)" servent..something never told..heard before..sufferings He bore..sorrows HE carried..crushed our sins..HE never open HiS mouth..Lord..pleased..crush HIM..takng their faults on himself.."

Letter to Hebrew(4:14-16; 5:7-9) says"..never let go off the who hs been tempted in every way..have mercy from HiM..He learnt to obey thru' suffering.."

Gospel Jn 18:1-19:42 says"..passion of our lord..near the cross..HIS mother..sister Mary,..& Mary of magdala..Jesus said to HIS mother,WOMEN THS IS U'R the dsciple HE said" THIS IS U'R MOTHER"..I am thirsty..taken..vinegar..gave up HIS SPIRiT.."

D. Reminds:
Jesus Body was hanging with 3nails on cross.They took him off cross & laid HIS body on Mary's lap.

Why didn't they lay him on John's lap?

John represented all humans at Golgotha. Just before Jesus died,showing John HE told Mary'This is your son'&John accepted.Similarly Mary was asked to look after us.Why only John has written about this?

This Golgotha incident reminds;
1)Facing fear/sorrow in our lives-like death body of Jesus.
2)Like 3nails,woes are of 3 types,pertaining to YOU, you'r family &friends & your living society.
3)Hand over all to Mary every night.Go to sleep peacefully-on lap of Mary.your worries will become diluted with your faith(stick to7Catholic ethics-like Cana water)
4)Identify your sins. Have regular confession with a priest-like thief on right
5)Then accept any worries/as God will change Ur life

E. Conclusions: all cycles, Good Friday, readings are same. Special mention about Mary and her role to us in Present day life, is clearly mention by John, who himself was present at Golgotha. He was the last gospel writer, he should have thought fit to write this incident, unlike other writers,since, He has understood the role of Mary, in the salvation process. He is the only person who wrote about Cana incident. Christianity differs from other religions in the world, due to
(1) You have a process, of identifying clearly, your sin,and get it pardoned, so that effect of your sin is nullified during the present life itself.
(2)It is having clear process, how to achieve worry less mind, which s very important for your good health.
(3)It shows you are not alone, always spiritually you are supported by angels, saints and God. You will have easy method of running your life.



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