
Saturday 5 March 2016

Hand wash Catholic sunday 6/3/2016 - in summary

Can't you convert bread and wine into blood and flesh of Christ?

Do you want to tell your sins to another human a priest?

What is the difference between hand wash and dry clean?
Strong stains you will not be able to remove, by hand wash. But in dry cleaning, 3rd party(cleaner). Use strong detergent to remove all stains, and you get your cloth, with original shining!

Today's readings:

1st Reading-Joshua says(Jos 5:9-12)" 'LORD to Joshua “I've taken the shame away from you/They ate the produce of Canaan & had no more manna'.

2nd Reading-
Paul(2 cor 5:17-2) says'In Christ, there are new creations. We are ambassadors for Christ'.

Gospel reading: Lk15:1-3:11-32-Parable of Prodigal Son/Man with 2 sons/younger son went away/wasted all money on a life of sin/ate pigs food/realised his father's servants have more food/Went home/his father kissed him/father celebrated with a feast/Elder son heard music&dancing/was angry.

1) You go to church & follow all ethics (like elder brother). But you hand wash your Sins (without going to a priest)
(He forget that he is also prune for sins-He appears to be hand wash his sins)
2)You are careless about sins & all of a sudden your life's in trouble & U need God (like the younger brother-try to dry clean). Then you go for confession. - 
Your life is swinging from these 2 states. Confessing your sins directly to God, dilutes the depth of your sin & in long run, you will end up with easy life by having only Eucharist, but NO HAPPINESS, without difficult confession!

Like Geo stationary satellite we all are prune to sins(attract towards earth bound desires!)
U can connect your telephone to any telephone in this globe with 3 (geo stationary) satellites, placed over earth orbit (10k/km over earth, where any element moves same speed as earth).
Though theory says, it automatically moves in this orbit, due to various conditions, satellite goes out of track, hence U need to put them back to track. This will be done by firing oil,that is stored,in satellite,which is 1/3 of weight of satellite. Then only you will see satellite automatically travels thru' earth orbit(you follow God's will)
Similarly,due to earth bound attractions, U tend to deviate from God. U need to put it to correct track,which needs firing of oil.

During this lent, try to dry clean your sins by regulate your' will to go for confession+fasting+mercy work+why not specially go thru' MERCY DOOR'


Catholic saline:

Saline is given directly to bloodstream (intravenously)to patients who are too sick to take orally. Saline contains water & salt in optimum concentration needed for body to function properly.
Similarly Church provides 2sacraments; Eucharistic & Confession,which will give spiritual strength for a happy life. When God is present everywhere,why do we go to church or confess our sins to a human (priest).Couldn’t we confess directly to God?


1)When air is everywhere do we need a fan?

2)When another human say"I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY of the effect of your sins absolved by God" are you relieved?

-you can't convert a piece of bread into Holy Eucharist,neither can unilaterally pardon your sins without a priest. You are not worried about the character of a doctor who give U saline; Similarly you shouldn't worry about the priest who gives you these sacraments. Holy Spirit formed church. HE will manage priests!


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