
Monday 28 March 2016

Cycle 3:season:easter: Sunday No: 1 Date:27/3/2015-Easter Sunday- Grounded Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground: during lent, we were informed
(1)we should read scripture knowing the concept of your creation with having overview of eras of Trinity.
(2) You will start seeing that all your previous life experience are watched by God(Transfiguration)
(3) When you follow sunday readings, you will see that your life become proactive.
(4) You will see, your life is swinging from 'God presence'(big brother) to 'No God'(pordigl son)
(5) Stoning of sinful women: Value of confession of your sins. After confession you should be able to forget your sinful activity,as well as, you should be able to pardon others, who has sinned against you. Jn 20:23 is adhered only by catholic church. Confession with a priest
(6) On palm sunday,
We observed,(1)how God found a pass over room-HE knows activities before hand.
(2) Nature of human, today you will be accepted and after one week, you rejected,Jesus
(3)Left hand thief sins are pardoned.(Identify difference between Judas and him. Judas, though he repent, he didn't come back to Jesus, but thief, repented and came back to Jesus)
(7) On good friday; Role of Mary to our life.
She has been requested to intercede on behalf of us.

We are reminded the important characteristics of Christianity: Risen Jesus. Only Jesus has come back after death.

Slogan of christianity
Your sins can be pardoned during this life.

B. Preamble for todays readng:

B.1 what is the main message of Christianity?
Is it love or Pardoning

Any human in this world is prune for sins: Catholicism sins are going against 7 Ethics; Every religion is having their own Ethics. They also define sins, if they go against their Ethics. All religions, believe, that you increase fear and sorrow into your life thru' sins.
 But Christianity, says, you can pardoned your sins, during this life itself, with the sacrament of confession. The Risen Christ shows this basic message of erasing the effect of Sins.

Almost all religions in the world, take love as one of their basic actions

Hence Christianity basic slogan is that your effect of Sins can be nullified during this life too. There is a clear process defined,as how to clear the effects of sins

B.2 what is the process, a Christian should follow to erase his sins?

According to John 20:23; Priest has to listen to your sins and he has given powers to absolve the effect of sins, subject to
(1) You are really repenting your sins, and determine not to do it again.
(2)You should pardoned the others who has sinned against you.

Unfortunately, all other Christian denomination not have process similar to Catholicism, since their priest can marry resulting difficulties in maintaining confidentiality!,of confession

C.  Today's reading: act of apostles(Acts 10:34. 37-41) says: Disciples say"Peter addressed them, 'Jesus received Holy Spirit from God/He was killed/But God raised him on3rd day/Jesus appeared&told us that God made him the judge of living&dead/& said sins of those who trusts him are forgiven?.

Paul(Col 3:1-4) says"If U're raised with Christ,seek heavenly things;not things which are earthly"

John(20:1-9)says"Mary Magdalene went to tomb/saw moved stone/ran to Peter/Disciples got to tomb/saw linen strips on ground/failed to understand Resurrection of Christ." -

Reminds: Risen Christ is reminding us, that our sins can be pardoned,during this life. this implies human life doesn't have rebirth. Eternal life of 2 parts: life in this World(temporary) and life outside this world(eternal). Your un pardoned sins Will cause you to suffer either this life or outside this life. Christianity has a clear process of how to clear, your adverse effects causing from sins.
It gives another message: that is you will be rehabilitating your life, which is always prune for sins. Like gravitation, you are always prune to sins. Always through Confession, you can rehabilitate your life, causing you to be more close to God. When you rehabilitate, you always forget your previous sins. Why God, shown us the linen covered in Jesus death body,in the Tomb. This is very important characteristics.
FORGIVENESS MAKE YOU TO FORGET YOUR SIN and allow you to restart your life fresh!.
So Catholic life is like a pendulum of a clock. Swinging from sinning state to sin less state. In between you get confession. But CONFESSION IS NOT A LICENSE TO SIN. Always you rehabilitate your life to a more refined friendship with God. So Catholic become more dynamic thru' Confession. Since only catholic, follow the Bible,the process given by God to confess!(Ex Jn 20:23)..
Conclusions: Without confession, You cannot visualize the RISEN JESUS. Your life become static without that. Without 2 Processes(1)have a peaceful mind thru' confession(2) Without handing your worries to Mary/saint for them to intercede on behalf of you. How can you have a happy mind?.
Without happy mind, how can you love others?

Overall summary:
1)Failure to understand that our sins can be forgiven-Risen Jesus.
2)After confession we should forget our sins-linen cloth.
3)Whether we agree or not,God will judge our actions.
4)Sins will bring fear/sorrow to this life or sufferings to purgatory/hell (where we?re helpless).
5)With Confession,the effect of sins can be cleared-WITHOUT THERE IS NO CHRISTIANITY

Wish you a Happy Easter!

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