
Monday 28 March 2016

Easter Sunday(27/3)Grounded Catholic - in summary

Judas betrate God, then repent but hang himself- he is in hell?

The Right hand thief, repent for his sins- he is in heaven.

Both were repenting for what they have done, but end up in 2 different places. Why?

Though Judas was repenting, he did not come to God,to erase his guilt. But good thief repenting and came to God!

Sorry society:
We have been trained, as Sorry society, similar to Judas!. When we say 'sorry' to another person,and if you feel,other person has really worried about your action, when you say sorry to him; without an confession, can you get it pardoned from God for your action?. It is better to say sorry to him and have a confession, to remove the guilt of that sin from your life. The priest who hear your confession, will give you to do some penance and then your guilt is removed.

How this is possible?

Risen christ, gives us 2 major messages
(1) God will pardoned your sins, during this life, when you follow sacrament of confession
(2) Only one life for catholics/ no rebirth or karma

Today's reading:
 Act of apostles(Acts 10:34. 37-41) says: Disciples say"Peter addressed them, 'Jesus received Holy Spirit from God/He was killed/But God raised him on3rd day/Jesus appeared&told us that God made him the judge of living&dead/& said sins of those who trusts him are forgiven?.

Paul(Col 3:1-4) says"If U're raised with Christ,seek heavenly things;not things which are earthly"

John(20:1-9)says"Mary Magdalene went to tomb/saw moved stone/ran to Peter/Disciples got to tomb/saw linen strips on ground/failed to understand Resurrection of Christ." -

Reminds: Risen Christ is reminding us, that our sins can be pardoned,during this life. this implies human life doesn't have rebirth. Eternal life of 2 parts: life in this World(temporary) and life outside this world(eternal). Your un pardoned sins Will cause you to suffer either this life or outside this life. Christianity has a clear process of how to clear, your adverse effects causing from sins.
It gives another message: that is you will be rehabilitating your life, which is always prune for sins. Like gravitation, you are always prune to sins. Always through Confession, you can rehabilitate your life, causing you to be more close to God. When you rehabilitate, you always forget your previous sins. Why God, shown us the linen covered in Jesus death body,in the Tomb. This is very important characteristics.
FORGIVEN SIN AND FORGETTING SINS. Confession is not a licence to sin. It will allow you to rehabilitate your life, to be more close to God. At the very begining you start confession for the fear of hell, gradually, you will understand God's love and the real confession will start,understanding the sin cause you to loose God's friendship with you


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