
Monday 8 May 2017

4th Easter Sunday Illusive Catholic 7-5-2017 - in summary


(1)When U feel other's cheated you,you will be angry but when you feel, your truth is false; why you are not angry about yourself,but you feel sorry about you!.

(2) Why you treat differently to other's compared to yourself. Is it a cross?

(3)How to manage this cross and be happy in this life? What is the gate?

(4)Can you find out the real truth about others? When you see your own truth also become false at certain time?

(5)When you forget God,and try to find your

Opinions, why your imaginations belongs to one of Delusion/illusion/halacnusation or mirage?

(6)Catholicism will tell you how to find your truth,without such imaginations? What is the gate?

(7)When you analyze these, why you question"are you mad or am I mad?"

Pl listen for 7 minutes:

Reflection for 7th may 2017, celebrating, 4th sunday mass of easter season cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, our own character, with respect to society or others.

We are masters for ourself!. You might gather information from various sources. Our 5 senses or from tv/news/face book etc. We form our own opinions!. We form our own truth. But who knows whether our own truth is correct? How to verify whether our own truth is correct?. When you are not following God's will, without your knowledge your imagination will follow to one of these 4 categories:

Delusion,illusion, hallucination or mirage.

Let us analyze further on these 4 areas!

Your truth could be true/real,but it also can be false/unreal.This can be due to one of 1)Delusion–Inability to distinguished between what is real &what only seems to be real; often as a result of disordered mind;

Or in other words delusion is a firmly held belief that a person maintains in spite of evidence to the contrary. Ex: intense fear that you are being followed, listen to,or otherwise threaten by someone.

2)Illusion-a false ascribe of reality based on what one sees/imagines;

For example : you may see things that are'nt really n front of you or see things moving when they are motion less.

3)Hallucinations-impressions that are the product of disordered senses due to mental illness/drugs;


A perception that occurs without external simulations that is experience as very real. It can be auditory ie hearing voices or sounds , visual(seeing people who are not there,demons or dead people) etc

4)Mirage is an extend of sense applies to an illusory version dream,hope or aim.

The main category human follows is ILLUSION. Depending upon the way you brought up you form your own reality of world. This will depend upon your parents or society or religion where you have been associating from childhood. When you forget that every human is God son or daughter and every human has right to live in this world, your illusion may allow you to act to kill another person in the worst case scenario!. God has not given any authority to kill another person. Governments, after lengthy process, allows such killings but such actions are gradually erased off from Governments in the modern world. When you judge another person to be killed, to assume you are sin less!, but in actual practice it is not so. That is why any individual person, without clear cut open process cannot decide death penalty for another person.

A grey box against a black background appears to be lighter than the same grey box against white background;Similar to your truth, based on your experience.

As explained now, the way that you have been brought up, will depend upon whether your back ground color is black or white or any other color. Then the way you analyze a situation, a grey box, your analysis may differ from one person to another person.

Human's imaginations are different from person to person,though commonly they want to lead a happy life. Reality is always you get a cross,difference of opinion. Your life swing from Happy to sad (vice versa). That is why God showed us by dying on a Cross. How to find the Gate to overcome the cross?

Todays reading:

Acts of apostles (Ac2:14.36-41) says " God has made HIM both Lord and Christ"

Peter (1 Pt 2:20-25) says " you have come back to the. Shepard of your lord"

John (10:1-10) says" I am the GAte of the shepherd"

Reflection: what is distinctive about our faith

as catholics,we do not believe in a system of ideas or even in a higher ethics. We beleve in a person, who gives life" a new horizon and a decisive direction"(Benedict XVI) . John gospel makes this clear with its great I AM sentences, one of which we hear today: "I am the gate" naturally we think the gate to what? The gate to life to the full. The risk today is to set out expectations low, to be happy with less. But the Gospel calls us not to be half alive. Let us enter by the gate himself, because the gate to life is always open.

Christianity gives clear answer why you are living? It is to carry out God's will and God will ensure your happiness. When you try to find out the route cause why it happens, sometimes you cannot find the real reason for that?

Why that accident happened to me? How did I become a medical doctor? Why I have been born in a poor family etc. But the actuality is what ever you experience past, you want to lead a happy life future!.

We know we cannot chose our parents, I cannot know neither my birth and death time,Who will decide. Christianity answer is God.

Then it is clear, what we have to search n our life is how to carry out God's Will.

For that we have to follow what God has asked us to do in our life. Ie 7 ethics of catholism.

In conclusion: we know christ the God bring us life. God has appointed Christ as the shepard of whole human race. HE has become our gate way to eternal life because HE has laid down HIS life for us. Even though we have gone astray through sin, still by HIS wounds we are healed and given a new direction in our lives

Life is like a river it flows, that is reality. In life we like to form opinions of others, without really finding out your own opinion about yourself. This will lead for you to form Excusetics{I.e,you form your own excuse to do a wrong thing(going against 10 comms+not avoiding 7 vices)}.best remedy for this is having confession with priest. In order, your imaginations to be either Delusion/illusion/hallucination or mirage,you should develop pardoning others!. This is gate to catholicism!

Thank you


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