
Sunday 14 May 2017

5th Easter Sunday of Cycle 1 Vocational Catholic (14-5-2017) - in summary

High light:

(1)When Jesus said""I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE" will that mean Don't ask Mary & saints to pray on behalf of U?

(2)When curing a blind man, why Jesus apply paste with spittle and asked him to wash at Silome? Why all this rigmarole? He should have cured him without doing anything?. What do U mean by a process?.

Cooking means process U adopt to make Ur food tasty. Do U like raw meat to eat everyday?.what is the process U adopt to follow God's will?

(4) What is the process U follow to handle Ur stress thru' Catholicism?

(5)What do U mean by Vocation? Is vocation & occupation same?.

(6) Erlier meaning of vocation is to carry out God's service, but now why the definition changed?

(7) How to convert Ur occupation to vocation?

Pl spend 7 minutes to listen to this:

Reflection for 14th may 2017, celebrating, 5th sunday mass of easter season cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, what is your own vocation in your own life.

Though the definition of vocation starts with Christianity a divine call to God's service or to christian life, now oftenly used in non religious context. In order to analyze the present day meaning of vocation, one has to first see what is occupation!

Occupation means work in which a person is employed. Then Vocation means what is the occupation a person is engaged!.

Today, most of the people cannot choose their jobs, they will do a job, to occupy time, as well as to earn their living. Even when you get married, you might think your other half will do the things according to your wish. But always it may not so. Job and marriege both have similarities. In the job, sometimes you have to carry out tasks, whch you may not like, but if you cannot find another job, you stick to the same, but you are working without any energy for forward motion. In marriages too, you have concerns about your way of doing things and your other half not synchronizing to same. Sometimes marriages too broke down, since you get ample opportunity to find another person. But when you get another too, you will see the same problem: because human lfe is always changing both mentally and physically. When 2 people get together as a marriege, the changes for both are not uniform. Unless you get spiritual support you might lead a married life, similar to a person who is dong job without any interest. But one thing in Catholic marriege is that God has given you an assurance. When you follow 7 ethics specially pardoning n your married life, God assures your happiness. Then what ever the problems you get n your marred life, you can move forward, without divorce unlike job, since God has given you the guarantee.

So you should know how to convert your occupation to vocation. Vocation naturally involves spiritual support.

in other words vocation means a strong impulse or inclination to follow or particular activity or carrier. Naturally vocation implies an occupation to which a person is drawn or for which He is suited trained or qualified.

Question is that you can have your own vocation, when you carry out work for your own satisfaction, are you going to be happy or is your life leading for your own happiness?.

You have seen many people, who was having good vocations, did they achieve happiness throughout their life or at the end of life. Today Gospel reminds us when we forget God and do our own vocation, there is no guarantee for your happiness. When you do your own vocation forgetting God, you ignore the statement Jesus tells today"I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE".

Can you find out 100% outcomes for your actions? Or do you know what will happen when you eat, inside your body? Many questions of uncertainty you will face. Can you control climate? You will understand the limitation of science.

Today's reading:

Act of Apostles says(Ac:6:1-7) "they elected 7 men full of Holy Spirit"

Peter (1 Pt 2:4-9) says" but you are the chosen race, a royal priesthood"


Reflection: Jesus is our way,our truth and our life. As the Gospel says, to have eternal life is to believe in HIM whom God has sent(Jn 5:24; 17-31). This is. A reality for us now and it guides our life, in matters great and small. At the core of this reality is trust,that is capacity to entrust all that we have and are to the living God and to HIS Son, raised from the dead. It is not an accident that the verb"I BELIEVE" occurs no fewer than 98 times in the 4 th Gospel(john)

When you try to find all reasons why it happened to me, most of time you might not get the answer. When you try to rely upon these answers to live, some times you may be victim of Taxonomy:

That is mental disorder deriving from loosing touch of reality& begin imagining things&acting on those imagined things. When there is absence of some expected behavior,U lead either(1)Flat affect: exhibits no emotionalty what so ever.or

(2)Alogia: thought processes are dull, blocked, or generally improvised or

(3) Avolition: no ability to persist in an activity, looks like extreme lack of motivation.

But when you know God has created you

(a)to lead a happy life, with unique personality

(b)your talents has to be converted to energy with following HIS WILL.

U'r energy consist of knowledge/skills & attitude, equivalent to head, hand, heart.

Knowledge consist 6phases Remember/understand/apply/analyze/evaluate/create.

Skill: ability to do talent well, since you have learned& practice.

Attitude: Opinion&feeling that you usually have about your neighbour:

Your ATTITUDE will depend upon your knowledge+skill!& you can easily avoid taxonomy by following Catholicism.

In conclusion: we know, Christ the Good Shepherd brings us life. God has appointed Christ as the Shepherd of whole human race,HE has become our gateway to eternal life because HE has laid down HIS life for us. Even though we have gone astray through sin, still by HIS wounds we are healed and given a new direction in our lives.
Christ is the way and the truth and the life. You belong to chosen race, a royal priest hood, a consecrated nation, a people set apart to sing the praises of God. God has poured out all these gifts on you thru the HOLY SPIRIT. You are called to proclaim God's word revealed to you in Christ, and to trust that Christ always has a special love and care for you!
Reminds again,(1)that Catholicism is not a philosophical religion, it is based on how to convert your trust to faith with God
(2)philosophy tries to answer the question 'WHY YOU ARE HERE?" YOUR answer is to carryout God's will & lead a happy life
(4)now you identify work by Occupation & search money instead of God
(5)St Paul never stops to earn his living, in making tents!
(6)today major challenge of laymen is how to convert his occupation to vocation
(7)after following 7 Ethics, you need support from Mary+saints, pray for you to have a worry less mind, without which you cannot identify what God asked U to do,in Ur work?

Thank you

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