
Monday 1 May 2017

3rd Easter Sunday Cycle 1 Leading Catholic 30-4-2017 - in summary

High light:

(1) Why your truth and your merciful actions are going to be different to others?. To make bread why you cannot do alone, from growing wheat?

(2)Why you cannot master all sciences in the world?why it is practical for you to master few areas in the world?

(3)You can be a good doctor,where as I can be a good teacher. To maintain the society why we both are needed?

(4)How to develop passion in your life?why different passion for different people with one Goal to achieve? I.e for the grace of God!

(5)In order to develop leadership,for the grace of God, why you should know,how to hand over your worries?. With worries in your mind can you develop your passion?

(6)Why Jesus disciples could not identify HIM,until HE broke the bread?

(7)Are you also like that kind of disciple?

Pl listen for 7 minutes:

Our living World is ever changing. People are different to each other. Every human,is always changing physically and mentally. Your truth and my truth are not the same. Your merciful actions and mine also not same. Under this different world, how to lead a happy life? Only way is to understand who is God? What HE has asked us to do, to lead a happy life. Catholicism gives you those basic knowledge and church direct you how to practice this!

Reflection for 30th April 2017, celebrating, 3rd sunday mass of easter season cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, how to lead your life, happily.

No human person has over come death except Jesus. This is to show that jesus is God. On the other hand, every human in this world has experienced super natural incidents! Where under normal circumstances you will not expect that outcome, under normal circumstances you don't know how it happened. So in other word every human has experienced the influence of God into his life.

Today, the information explosion era, you get information within a matter of second,from every corner of this globe, but you cannot find out exactly what is the truth behind that information. So every human fomed their truth according to their conditioning of life.

Depending upon the truth you form your own opinion. Depending upon your own opinon you lead your actions.

Your conditioning of life manly depends upon how you have gathered your experience from your 5 senses. The experience that you gather from mouth,ear,eyes, nose and touch will on one hand influence your truth. Depending upon your truth you decide how to support the society, by way of merciful actions.

There are 5 types of merciful actions: they are as follows:

(1)leniency & compassion shown toward offenders by a person or an agency charged with administering justice

(2)a disposition to be kind & forgiving

(3)feeling that motivates compassion

(4)something for which to be thankful

(5)alleviating of distress: showing great kindness toward the distressed.

So a person can lead his actions towards the one of the above categories depending upon his conditioning of life.

Take examples from bible, how different people like David, Moses or Esther developed their compassion towards people in different way:

When you analyze how they develop leader ship. You will see that Jesus was neither a worrier nor royalty. HE was a carpenter King. God played a SURPRISE! As influenced by media, few people consider themselves perfectly qualified to lead, but your passion may be enough to qualify you as a leader. Bible indicates 3 ways that you’re called to leadership. BURNING HEART is the kind of call that David had.

He said “I will go fight the giant, it isn't right our people should tremble in their tents at his insults”.

Next, BURNING BUSH; it is the kind of call that Moses had. It is a surprise approach to getting someone's attention.

The BURNING HOUSE is the kind of call queen Esther had; by concealing her identity as a Jew, she became honored & the favorite wife of a king. When king ordered to kill Jews, she revealed herself risking her life & saved Jews! Though they often felt UNDERQUILIFIED, FORSAKEN or ABANDONED, God has given them strength to carry out their mission.

So there is no uniformity as how you develop your compassion with respect to me. Under these diversified society, how you identify your compassion?

Unless you are following God's Will, it will be difficult for you to carry out your passion to lead a happy life otherwise you become frustrated one day.

Because when your actions deviate from God's Will, it will naturally attract towards earth bound needs such as. Power, money and desires, which will have it's own limitations!. Today it is clearly shown, that risen christ, going alone with disciples but they could not identify HIM, unless they saw His action of breaking of bread.

Thomas action allow us to think that Jesus has risen with 5 wounds: just to indicate where we are heading our life towards earth bound need deriving fom our 5 senses, and thomas puttinf his finger to jesus wound shows that we have to develop faith towads God,understand HIS role to our life and develop passion to carry out to support the society, by way of 1 or more of above 5 merciful types.

Chuch with the support of Holy spirit has developed 2 major activitees of merciful actions: I.e coporal and spiritual mercies, each having 7 actions.

Each person may carry out one or more meciful actions, depending upon his passion and select which type of merciful actions that he should carry.

Today's reading:

Act of apostles says(Ac2:14.22-23) says "It was impossible for him to held in the power of hades"

Peter says(1 Pt 1:17-21)"your ransom was paid in the precise blood of a lamp without spot or stain without, namely Christ"

Luke(Lk 24:13-35) says"they recognise HIM at the breaking of bread"

Reflection: we come to easter faith by acknowledging the hungers of the heart("our own hope had been") by searching the scripture("our hearts burning within us") by holding on to the story of the first disciples , and witness of the women, by the Eucharist ("the breaking of the bread") and by sharing our faith.("They told their story"). Is there more? As the story starts, he stops them. Towards the end of the story: they stop him from walking out of their lives. The moment of desire leads to the moment of recognition and a life changing encounter.

Without converting your trust to faith, you will never identify who God is. Similar to 2 disciples of Jesus who were on their way to Emmaus (Lk24:16). When you lack faith, Jesus will ask you "How foolish you are, & how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken!” (Lk24:25). This season will allow you to increase your faith, follow God's will, identify your passion to enjoy life, as guaranteed by God. Otherwise you like a disciple on their way to Emmaus.

Each person travelling to Emmaus may differ. You develop passion on one thing where as mine may be different. You will develop meciful action different to me. But we both are serving to achieve God's will to be implemented in this world.

In conclusion today thru sunday readings church invite us to understand and identify God's Will for you, develop passion carry out action for the glory of HIM. You will see God will lead you to achieve happiness. When you are not carry out actions for the glory of God, you become unhappy one day,may be frustrated due to not reaching required outputs,as anticipated by you.

Thank you!


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