
Saturday 27 May 2017

Easter Sunday (28/5) Digitalised Catholic - in summary

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Ordinary Sunday(ascension) No:9(Easter tide) oof cycle 1(28/5/2017)-Digitalized Catholic
(1)Today for communication U use digital technology.What is digital?.Why it is so powerful?
(2)When U speak from one corner to another corner of earth,Ur voice is converted to digital & travel 1000's of Km,to the required destination,it will be re converted to voice
In between at many places, Ur weak digital signal will be re converted back to original signal. This is the beauty of digital. What is the beauty of Catholism?
(3)At many places Ur weak digital signal will be regenerated to original,wrt to power,shape& timing. Is it analogous,to pardoning process,Repentance,confession & indulgence?
(4)When U know who are Trinity & their relevance to Ur life, will Ur life become digital?
(5) Is Ur regenerated life depend on understanding ascension(shaping),receiving Eucharist(power),follow Holy Spirit(retime) connected to digital?
(6)Digital use binary technique. That is 2 state(0 or 1). Is it connected to Ur with grace (1)or U sin(0)
(7) Are U digitalized?

Pl listen for 10 minutes:

Reflection for 28th may 2017, celebrating last Eater Sunday mass of,of cycle 1. Today we celebrate the ascension of Jesus Christ. Easter sunday is always, is the first Sunday after the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or after March 21.

Ascension sunday(28/5/2017), is the sunday coming after 40 days from Easter. Then the next sunday will be Pentecost (4/6/2017)

Today Church invite us to analyze, how this ascension relates to modern era and to your personal life.

Before analyzing today's reflection, let us analyze, what we have reflected last 6 sundays of easter.

Last 6 easter sundays we were reminded:

(1) St sunday: Can You reason out for all your life out comes, forgetting God!.Do you have reasons,why Jesus was risen from death?,why God has not given all laws
that has to be followed,in writing?,why church has to be organized to know about God and develop faith on HIM? Reasoning out for all actions will have problems in this life without God.
(2)nd sunday, we analyse the complcaton of finding actual truth!/ Why your truth and My truth is not same? What you mean by truth?/Why Thomas, a most lovable of Jesus disciple, doubted Jesus resurrection?/Can you be a catholic, if you don't understand and believe that Jesus has resurrected? Why Jews still believe that Jesus has not risen, but HIS death body has been stolen by HIS disciples?/Why?When Pilate questioned Jesus(Jn18:37),Jesus claimed that HE is a witness to the truth. Can you find out the real truth by yourself, without the support of God?/Is truth connected to Mercy!.why this sunday we celebrate Divine Mercy/What do you mean by Mercy. What are the merciful actions, church ask you to do?.
(3)Rd sunday we anlayse how to lead our catholic life/ Why your truth and your merciful actions are going to be different to others?/You can be a good doctor,where as I can be a good teacher. To maintain the society why we both are needed?/How to develop passion in your life?why different passion for different people with one Goal to achieve? I.e for the grace of God!/In order to develop leadership,for the grace of God, why you should know,how to hand over your worries?. With worries in your mind can you develop your passion?/Why Jesus disciples could not identify HIM,until HE broke the bread?
(4)Th sunday we analyse,when you lead life forgetting God, how your lfe becomes unhappy and become illusive. When U feel other's cheated you,you will be angry but when you feel, your truth is false; why you are not angry about yourself,but you feel sorry about you!./Why you treat differently to other's compared to yourself. Is it a cross?/How to manage this cross and be happy in this life? What is the gate?/Can you find out the real truth about others? When you see your own truth also become false at certain time?/When you forget God,and try to find your
Opinions, why your imaginations belongs to one of Delusion/illusion/halacnusation or mirage? /Catholicism will tell you how to find your truth,without such imaginations? What is the gate?
(5) We analyse what is your catholic vocaton?/When Jesus said""I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH  AND THE LIFE" will that mean Don't ask Mary & saints to pray on behalf of U?/When curing a blind man, why Jesus apply paste with spittle and asked him to wash at Silome/ Why all this rigmarole? He should have cured him without doing anything?. What do U mean by a process?.
Cooking means process U adopt to make Ur food tasty. Do U like raw meat to eat everyday/what is the process U adopt to follow God's will?/What do U mean by Vocation? Is vocation & occupation same?/ Earlier meaning of vocation is to carry out God's service, but now why the definition changed?/ How to convert Ur occupation to vocation?
(6)th sunday we analyse how we surreder ou will to God's Will!. Do you need a advocate to lead your life?. When you are sick, can you cure by yourself? Do you need a doctor?/During night, bulb will help you to see, but when bulb burned you have to change to a new bulb, otherwise you are in dark. when you are changing the bulb are you going to off the switch and replace the bulb? Why you have to do that?/Why Christianity gives us Trinity? God is light, persons are bulbs. Why U get 3 persons(Father/Son/Holy Spirit) now which bulb give you light?/In your life, you pass thru' seconds,hours, day/night,weeks, months,years. Why you need these separations?/Life flows,what is the use of these separations?except week,all others have scientific reasons. Why not week?/How to know God's Will for U? Is it easy to know? Who physically advocates God's will for you?  Why father and son(Jesus) gave all examples only to Jews?. Why Holy spirit is given thru' church to whole of the world?/ Did Jesus ate pork? Did HE were circumcised?. Why we act contrary now?.

In order to reflect today's readings,

Let us analyze What is today's technology?

Today we are living in a digital world. Governments try to address, how to minimize digital division among people.
I.e how to give all latest communication facilities(such as telephones,internet&data) to all citizens without any discrimination. All these digital world use binary symbols as basic of their technology. Binary means 2 state( like birth & death). Today we are reminded about digital Catholicism. Your life is always run in 2 state. I.e birth- God grace, death- Sin, With Pardoning process, you always change from death to birth. You RESURRECTED!(Digitals)

What is the beauty of Digital ?

today when U speak from one corner of the globe to another,Ur voice is converted to digital & transmit to the required destination. When the distance increase the signals getting weak(power,shape&timing) & it will be regenerated.Beauty of digital is that U can regenerate weak signal to the original,where other form of communication(like analogue) cannot achieve. This is similar to catholism, when U live either U live with God or deviate with Him(sin),but when U hv repentance, confession with a priest & carryout indulgence activities,U'll regain the original grace with God.HE assured U,that HE will not remember Ur sins!.Hence with pardoning process,Ur resurrected!.Are U happy to pardoned others?.

Acts of Apostles (Acts 1:1-11) says
" HE was lifted up. While they looked on"

Paul says to Ephesians(Ep 1:17-23)"HE made HIM sit at HIS right hand in heaven"

Mt says(28:16-20)"All authority of heaven and on earth given to me"

Reminds: we could ask how is the risen Lord with us. The new testament and the church tradition after a rich array of "presences".Christ is presence in the neighbor in need, in created reality beautiful and awe-inspiring,whenever the disciples gather,in the word proclaimed,in the sacrament celebrated and thru' the Holy Spirit. Perhaps we do not always feel this presence, but the words of Jesus are guarantee that no matter what is going on in my life or my community or in my church,HE is with us our Emmanuel.

God changes always paradigm of people. My son should have a different way of living than myself, otherwise, life will become monotonous for him. Always God changes the paradigm, to increase the efficiency of people. Here efficiency means the no of wok that you can do for a unit time increases. Todays technology is digital. It is having 2 states either false or true or in catholic terms you are with God or you sin. (When you don't worship God, it is sin). All computers use digital. Modern computers works at 4 Ghz. That means computer can carry out 4 billion instructions per second. See how efficient the computer!. Today for communcation you use digital. So beauty of digital is that when the signal become weak you can regenerate to the original signal, With respect to power,shape and timing.
When the distance between you and the called person increases many regeneratons ponts are involved. When you speak, your voice is converted to digital. Then the lengthy transmission line, whether it is satellite or radio or optical fibre, You have many regeneration points to boost up your digitalized voice.(Here satellite too is acting as a regenerator)

This process is similar to your life. Your spiritual life is like digital signal, in lfe you are fallen to sin, with pardoning process, you regain to the originAl spiritual lfe: ie grace with God. You have many confessions duing your life: ie like many regeneration.
Picture of pope Francis!

That is why pope Francis is talking about digital.

In conclusion: Christ ascend to HIS father. The ascension of Jesus Christ is our guarantee that one day we will be with HIM in heaven to praise the glory of God our Father. The ascension is our hope of the great inheritance that awaits those who believe in the power of the risen Christ. Now we can know that HE is With us to the end of time.

At the end when you understand the basic concept of today's technology, you will understand beautifully the message has told us. Pl don't forget that there are 3 thngs in the regeneration process: boosting power of the weak signal, like holy Eucharist: retiming- holy spirit thru' church guide you time to time: reshaping: when you follow Catholicism you happy life now and eternal guaranteed.
Finally you will understand what is Trinity and when you are happy, you lead a resurrected life.

Thank you
God Bless you!

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