
Thursday 25 May 2017

6th Easter Sunday Cycle 1: Advocate Catholic(21/5/2016) - in summary

(1) Do you need a advocate to lead your life?. When you are sick, can you cure by yourself? Do you need a doctor?

(2)During night, bulb will help you to see, but when bulb burned you have to change to a new bulb, otherwise you are in dark. when you are changing the bulb are you going to off the switch and replace the bulb? Why you have to do that?

(3)Why Christianity gives us Trinity? God is light, persons are bulbs. Why U get 3 persons(Father/Son/Holy Spirit) now which bulb give you light?

(4)In your life, you pass thru' seconds,hours, day/night,weeks, months,years. Why you need these separations? Life flows,what is the use of these separations?except week,all others have scientific reasons. Why not week?

(5)How to know God's Will for U? Is it easy to know? Who physically advocates God's will for you?

(6) Why father and son(Jesus) gave all examples only to Jews?. Why Holy spirit is given thru' church to whole of the world?

(7) Did Jesus ate pork? Did HE were circumcised?. Why we act contrary now?.

Pl spend 10 minutes listen to this!

Reflection for 21st may 2017, celebrating, 6th sunday mass of easter season cycle 1. Church invite us to analyze, how to understand God's will for you. who will advice or advocate you. Why Jesus went to heaven, telling us to wait for Holy Spirit. Birth and death or start and end give us a UNIT. With introduction of death, definition of unit came. Unit of measurement: unit of time etc. When you have an eternal life do you have a unit?

How to know what God has asked us to do? That is Christianity. How to know Christianity?

Christianity has been practically shown to Jews in israel. Old testament gives you how God set examples as how to live, thru' prophets. The last prophet is John the Baptist. Still jews follows the old testament except they treat jesus also like a prophet.

But in Christianity, the basic law that has to be followed is summarized in 10 commandments which has given to us thru' Moses,1600 years BC. The principle shown in the old testament is 10 commandments with eye to eye principle. If you hit me I also hit you! Why? When you find other person is at fault, you punish him. This can be done, since God is with you direct thru' prophets. So you know you are correct since God is with you direct, hence you can punish the other.

Then God HIMSELF came as Son, to jews: HE trained and showed people as how to live when God become indirect: HE didn't change 10 commandments, but HE change eye to eye principle to turn your other cheek. Why? When God become indirect, you don't know whether who is correct, you are not 100% sure about truth. Hence when you think other person is wrong, you don't know whether you are correct, that is why after Jesus, you have to practice pardoning and love.

When God become indirect,and when there is no clear instruction given to you, how to find truth in this life. Can you read

Other person's mind?. On one side you cannot find what is the truth, on the other side, you don't get clear instruction from God.

That is why you are supposed NOT TO JUDGE OTHERS, not to find fault with others, but develop pardoning mind and extend your love to others! Why? When God become indirect and there is no clear instruction from God to You, you don't know whether you are correct or other is correct!. It is very difficult thing to carry out in the life.

But when you convert your trust to faith with God, you might get courage to overcome human difficulty of finding fault with other,with the support of God!.

When you follow what Jesus has asked you to do, where we simplified 7 ethics(follow 10 comms/avoid 7 vices/ practice 7 each corporal and spiritual mercy's/administer 7 sacraments/pardoning and love/follow church rules) God assured you, that HE will show you the path to lead.

How? HE will not give you in writing, HE might use various 3rd party methods, as how to lead your life.

Why God represents in 3 persons?

When Jesus came to this world as human, HE as God to resolve 2 major problems.

(1) How to come as a human, with the support of holy mary

(2) How to broadcast as what to do in order to follow God's Will, how to manage sending that knowledge to whole world

As at to day, we know, Holy Mary's Immaculate conception to support Jesus to become human. You can witness the immaculate conception even today by seeing the un corrupt bodies of St catherine in Paris and St Bernedeth in neverre/france. They carry spiritual evidence of holy mary's immaculate conception, thru' miraculous medal and lourdes as a pilgrimage place.

Then the second point, how the message is to transmit to the whole world. Jesus Christ came and showed to jews how to manage human life, when human is having an independent free will. HE followed the Jew's rituals: circumcison and restricting eating Pork.

After risen from death Jesus stayed for 40 more days explaining as how to manage our free Will and surrender the same to God's Will for our own happiness. The ascension of Jesus completes the 2nd phase of God's teaching for human how to lead his life, following God's Will.

So the last and on going era of God support to human is the Era of Holy Spirit. He guide thru' the church, as how to manage the paradigm changes, deriving from technological advancement. So at the very beginning of the church, the restriction deriving from the rituals from jews were removed,ie not to have male circumspect and not to eat pork so that church become universal or castles.

The present and the ongoing era up to end of this world is Holy Spirit era, where Holy Spirit will guide people thru' church, as how to surrender your will to God's will

What is the effect of introducing death to human?

Adam and eve were having eternal life with full freedom. Always freedom is subject to law. Our original parents betraying law resulted death,and childhood to be introduced to humans!. With the introduction of death, our eternal life became finite. This has resulted in introduction of units to the society. There are units for time, length,weight etc. This is to define the finite position of human thinking!.

We know, elliptical movement of earth, right round sun, gives a unit of measurement of a year. Moon is rotating right round earth. This result in introduction of months. We know that earth is rotating round his own axis. This result in a day, hours and seconds. Only thing which cannot be defined scientifically is week. This has been designed due to biblical reason of creation. Jesus introduced a new unit of measurement of 7 ethics for us to follow where you will be happy now and eternal by following HIS Will.

Who ADVOCATE God's Will to you?

Advocate is a person who works &argues in support of another's cause. JESUS said 'I will ask my FATHER HE will give U another advocate?Why?Who is this advocate? What he will do?Why HE will ask another advocate?Why cannot HE Himself advocate human beings?

In Christianity Trinity is God the FATHER(who showed old testament),God the SON(new testament)&God the HOLY SPIRIT who advocate us now).

Light of a bulb illuminates your house during night. So longer bulb works you get light,but when bulb goes off you have to replace it otherwise,no light for you. When you replace bulb, you should know that there is a current flow. Hence before replacing you off the switch,then replace with new bulb. Otherwise you might be electrified.

Similarly God showed us how to use our free will&surrender to HIS WILL in 3distinct persons,which is FATHER,SON &HOLY SPIRIT. Holy spirit thru'Peter start church &now operates thru'Papal infallibility!

Today's reading:

Act of apostles(Ac 8:5-8.14-17) says" they laid hands on them,and they received the Holy Spirit"

Peter says(1 Pt 3:15-18)"in the body HE was put to death, in spirit HE was raised to life"

John(14:15-21) says" I shall ask the father that HE will give you another advocate"

Reflection: "the greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return". The following words attributed to Pedro arrupe SJ , may up lift and inspire" nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love, in a quiet absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will effect every thing. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning what you will do in evening, how you spend your week ends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love and it will decide every thing "

Today Peter says,

in the body HE was put to death, in spirit HE was raised to life"

Act of apostles reminds about holy spirit and gospel Jesus says that HE will give you another advocate: ie Holy spirit;

Reminding us that Jesus showed that a new era will come, with Holy Spirit and with church.

When a bulb glows you get light. Bulb is the interface between current flow and the light. You will see the light, you see the bulb but you cannot see the current flow: unless you try to study how you get light?.

Similarly you see God exist out of many experiences of your life, you will see church help you to learn more about God. When you follow the church, specially sunday readings you will see how you get light. You will see how God will act on you!.

In conclusions: The Holy Spirit restores us to life. Christ promised that HE would send the Holy Spirit on HIS church after His resurrection. This is the source of our hope. Through the spirit we can do great things in the lord's name. In the spirit we healed and called to take part in the healing mission of the church.

First we have to practice 7 Ethics of catholism, then you convert your trust to faith with God. Then God will direct you how to lead your life to happiness with many advocates. Take example Fatima,after 100 years observe how God has advocate thru' holy mary about communism. Be patient, always don't loose faith: God will look after your happiness

Thank you!

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